It is a question of how interested you are in karaoke. If you really like the stuff, like me, it is a waste to do the home equipment because you will just end up throwing it away.
I was just trying to hint. The last home system I put together (BTW this laptop I am typing on was payment) was with another laptop and I forget the model model but an Audio 2000 mixer and JBL EON 10 G2 speakers.
When I build a good system the next thing you know they are doing gigs down the street. Which is fine except when they say OH this will just be for home.
Even on this forum I tend to keep trade secrets but locally I get paid very well. The tech advise given on this forum is priceless.
My system is useless in a small environment. The FX or anything else is not right. In fact you have to turn the FX off or way down. It is an entire different ball game with short reverbs.