I agree.
I also come up with some nicknames for my regulars (back when I hosted regularily). a kj I had that worked part time did that, and I REALLY liked her style. I started out with friends, and then some of the regs would complain that I didn't have nicknames for them.
A lot of this went into the splash screens I made for the regulars too. I got a cool font where the "i" had a star for the dot... and suddenly everyone wanted STARS on their names!
! So I spent some time redoing the splash pages... time... like four or five seconds per splash screen!
In fact, the humor became so much a part of my show, that when I was feeling rather down, the folks RECOGNIZED it as I wasn't my "usual, lively self!"... they were coming there because I was usually so upbeat! And when a friend would notice this, I'd make an effort to put the crap behind me, and go into "matt mode"...