there are "issues" on this.. but I personally prefer PCKJ, and there ia another.. by Mtu called "Hoster" actually it's pretty much KJ's preference.. but I run in my Pro systems a different operation system than XP home. and MUCH larger systems.. for reliability. FYI: do not use rhew "Raid" system with PCKJ.
I will not go there.. but we just completed an upgrade this week on a fully operational system that incorperates PCKJ & PCDJ in the same computer with all the tracks "Fair Use" lisenced from the proper sourses for use in this one computer. Those that didn't lost out.. swtiching between the programs is a breeze and hasn't crashed once.. in the 6 shows so it was used. BTW you can run both the audios & graphics from both programs at the same time.. in this set up.
I know Mtu can't do that!