Okay I get it don't smoke in public buildings. But how can they expect people to stand outside in the freezing cold. They can't make some amends for them. The law states here you can't have anything with a roof and 4 walls. Boy that sounds real warm. People are trying anything around here to keep their business. One bar has a bus in the parking lot that stays running 24/7. Obviously paying high gas prices to keep it running is worth not losing business. If they cared about the busineses at all they would have made room for with this law for businesses to have something for the smokers. A beer garden with heaters is about it. But here in Illinois you have strick laws and extra expense to have a beer garden. Very few are able to have what is called a true beer garden with a full bar. Most just have patios.
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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]