Lone Wolf @ Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:00 pm wrote:
A question that might not get an answer but here goes
I know that Winamp can run multiple occurrences but how can I get
it to switch from one to the other automatically for running cover music?
I have been to shows where the KJ is running winamp and when the
Karaoke stops the cover music takes over, but do not understand
how this works.
Any help is appreciated.
Lone Wolf
I have a separate computer for my dj music which I use for in between singers (just long enough to get next singer up, never full songs). When the karaoke song is done, it gets faded out while the dj is faded in. Singer gets up, dj music fades out, karaoke fades in.
I do all my singer/music adjustments, cue up next songs/adjust rotation if new singers.
I think Compuhost does this automatically, but I prefer to be hands on - not sure if it does an actual fade where there is no pause/break in the music. The OTSdj program I use for fill automatically crossfades, beatmatches & blends the music into each other.
I do stand behind my booth with the equipment the majority of the night, the crowds are pretty pumped normally without me having to be out working them, but try to pop out when I can and visit tables when a song is playing & get back before it ends.