I use my computer, and appreciate the convenience. I don't have multiple rigs out there. I've got one KJ from a neighboring county that boasts a 75,000 song book (at 15 different shows) trying to come into my town and take over - like that'll ever happen.
I have 15,000 unique songs - 1 show. I know my population and give 'em raging parties. I'm not hurting anyone. If anything I'm promoting the artists, not stealing from them. Jimeny Crickets this topic makes me laugh. There isn't one documented prosecution (that I'm aware of) where a KJ was busted for using a computer. How many karaoke shows are there in the US alone? 50,000+? I have to imagine I'd hear of something by now if it was a problem. When it becomes a problem, then it becomes illegal in my book. Til then, I'm just going to keep throwing the best karaoke and dance parties in my tri-county region. Cha!!!!!!!