rdubwilkins @ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:42 pm wrote:
hi all, my name is Robert. I am an artist who is going to be using karaoke as a means of expressing art. I've joined up to pick all of your brains on the subject to help me in my endeavors. Peace...
OK, now Robert(now I'm pretty sure you're a Robert that doesn't like to be called bob, or the backward version of bob....which is bob), I'll try to help. Now Picture a big ol' bar, with a bunch of drunk people.......and the bar is your canvass. Now you need at least two microphones.......them's your brushes. Now the karaoke is the paint, and all those drunk people are going to use the brushes and karaoke to paint you some pictures.........I gotta warn ya.......many times those pictures are real nasty......do you think you have the stomach for this.......