jamkaraoke @ Wed Aug 27, 2008 6:45 am wrote:
Here's something I've found out about the whiney singer and or disgruntled singer.
As a KJ if you treat them with respect , they ALWAYS come back , because there not only whiney and disgruntled at YOUR SHOW they're the same way at EVERY SHOW.
So as long as they are not abusive or argumentattive -just apologize that they didn't get to sing their last song or explain that 30 other people in the bar requested a DANCE tune and they will get their turn to sing when its time. Thank them for understanding and when they walk away ...THINK WHAT EVER YOU WANT
I agree kill them with kindness unless they are one of these:
Yelling from the audience to the stage at me. I detest this. How can I help someone that yells at me from 10 ft or more away. Once I ignore it. The second time I address it over the microphone. I try to say something comical that embarrasses them into stopping.
The cowardly complainer that tells everyone else their gripes, but not me. If you want to get on my bad side quick, this is the way to do it. When I have other people coming up to me asking me to put so & so in because they are driving them nuts I put my foot down. They know better than to ask me to push them up in rotation, so they get other people to do it for them.
[shadow=pink][glow=deepskyblue]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]