I think we have a few different ideas going here.
Training information - I'm fine with the thought of someone putting out a DVD or book explaining ideas for running a show or a how to start up a karaoke business. That doesn't bother me.
Regulations - Now this I don't like. Do I need someone telling me what type of PA I must have or I'll be fined? Do I need to be told I can't use a pc? or that I must have a contract for every gig? This could be endless.
Certifications - I don't think certifying KJs is going to make them better. It would just be extra expense for something I don't need. If it was not manditory and it helped some people get jobs I'd say go for it. Ex: Personal Trainers can choose to pay to be certified if they want, but it isn't manditory by law.
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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]