I would not approach the KJ about his or her sound as this can be very uncomfortable for both of us. Unless they show discomfort or ask for my help I will not offer any advice. I have yet to meet a KJ who wants to admit they have problems adjusting sound and most think that they are gods gift to sound boards.
Many times I just politely go up an let them know that I'm leaving and wish them a good evening and leave it at that.
There is a local KJ here that is a veteran of 15+ years and is experiencing horrible feedback on his wireless microphones. He has close to 100K wrapped up in music and equipment. It is really embarrassing to see this happening but I tried once to offer assistance and he got so PO'd that it made matters worse.
I could see what the problem was and I would have been a quick adjustment in gain structure and and EQ settings, yet I did not dare venture any farther with him. After the little run in he chewed me out and made an (@$%&#!) of himself in front of his customers.
After that little incident I decided never to enter into this type of discussion with KJ's again.
There are too many other Karaoke Bars to go to.
_________________ FlipSide Karaoke