chrism @ Thu 25 Dec, 2008 wrote:
I'm trying to add some new songs to what I sing. I do mostly alternative/rock and a little bit of rap. I do a pretty good job at rock or rap songs that involve singing pretty fast, or singing for a long time without taking many breaths.
-Chris M
If you like alt-rock mixed with a little bit of rap, I have the
PERFECT song for you. "Pardon Me" by Incubus. Have you heard it? I'm sure it's up on YouTube. Sound Choice makes an excellent rendition of the song. I might be posting my version of it on Singers Showcase next week. I'd put it up now for you to hear, but I just put two songs up in the last couple days so I gotta wait a while. The Sound Choice track is VERY good... that's the version I use and I'm not sure if any other manufacturers have made the song.