mr.fahrenheit @ Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:02 am wrote:
After all the talk of "water drinkers" - is it KJ's responsibility or otherwise.
What about general bad behaviour in the room if it is affecting the singer.
A couple of examples :-
1) The room is buzzing and people are talking/laughing/shouting so much so that the singer can hardly be heard or is being ignored. Do you often ask them to give a bit more order ? Or just think Hey ! - - The singers not getting paid and if he/she is any good he/she will command some attention anyway ?
And if the crowd is too boisterous, should management sort it ?
My thoughts are a nice, LOUD microphone instruction to the audience before the singer starts to show the same courtesy that they'd want if they're singers. If they're not, show them some darned courtesy ANYWAYS! I'd also get out from BEHIND the rig and walk around the room and gently tell people, "you're talking wayyy too loud, and my singers can't hear themselves. I can control the levels... please don't make me adjust my sound that much."
2) Drunken guy jumps up on stage to perform with singer (usually without singers permission). Do you have to intervene or leave it to a) the singer or b) the management ?
Have far does KJ's responsibility go ?
Like to know what you all think.
Again, get out from behind the equipment and escort the person away from the "performing stage". Again, make an ANNOUNCEMENT over the mic at the beginning of the show, and if your rules are getting trampled on, make reminder announcements during the show.
Ollie may hate this, but that's why I HAVE rules!
! People are just dumb sometimes, and I hate to admit it, but sometimes the sheeple need to be led!