Suicide is the end result of being extremely depressed.
A friend of mine tried to commit suicide. He didn't succeed, and went into counseling. The psychologist asked why he thought he was depressed. He said, "I am not depressed." The psychologist pointed out that he had tried to commit suicide, so he was almost surely depressed. My friend said, "Well, I guess I don't know what depression feels like." The answer was, "You know that feeling you had just before you tried to kill yourself? That's depression. Extreme depression."
My sister killed herself at the age of 25. She was an alcoholic of the manic-depressive type. That is one of the most common profiles for suicides in that age bracket. A large percentage of suicides are alcoholics.
I might have killed myself, but my sister having killed herself disabused me of one of the most common delusions of suicidal people -- that everyone else's life would be better without them. It isn't true -- it will devastate your family.
_________________ [color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color] Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.