Exactly! To all comments.
I got a good laugh out of it, but also agreed with much of the argument or economics of it all.
I even emailed the guy without being offensive and received an inoffensive reply.
But somthing tells me I never should've went there.
I've been a Harley enthusiast for a long time and wanted to someday own one.
All of the technological ramblimgs made sense to me, but it's not that important.
All the talk about Harley being a Pagan religion was a bit over the top for me.
But I could see where some would get that impression with the history of Harley-Davidson being represented mostly by a tough guy image....the long-haired, weather beaten, tattooed riders rumbling around disturbing the peace.
And Harley-Davidson relies on this "faithful" to support their marketing scheme?
I never really thought of it that way.
But it's obvious that those aren't the only people who ride a Harley.
I am not a biker....by any sense of the word. I'm a tinkerer. I've always heard that Harleys are not very reliable....leak oil...vibrate bolts loose...make the rider uncomfortable etc...etc. To me, that's perfect! But to some, that's stupidity and just subscribing to an image. I think it's all a preference really.
I wouldn't be ashamed to ride a foreign made bike though. I've owned a few back in the '80s, but just stopped riding......trying to extend my life a bit. But I've always dreamed of having the biggest rumbling contraption that Harley-Davidson builds.
For me, it's not a lifestyle, just an occasional jaunt down the road.
I like alot of bikes and have ridden some sportbikes and foreign made cruisers. I just like the heavier bikes more. I feel too exposed on a lightweight for some reason. Speed and technology is not what it's all about for me.
I would even consider a Honda Goldwing if I wanted to go long distances just for the comfort level.
I think the Harley-Davidson argument is legitimate, but overstated. People will continue to subscribe to whatever makes them happy regardless of who's personal opinion tries to discourage it. I'm still in love with a rumbly V-Twin no matter what.
And I don't put down anyone who rides a "crotch-rocket". I actually like those too!