lordairgtar @ Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:45 am wrote:
Wiggly Dave @ Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:51 pm wrote:
If we go Song WRITER I guess Lennon and McCartney...followed by Paul Anka???
Since Doc pomus wrote many iconic songs, even for Presley, I would have to mention him. Howsa bout Lieber and Stoller?
I would have to guess that Doc Pomus(Jerome Felder)/Shuman along with Lieber/Stoller were two of the most prolific composers (composing teams) in the early history of "Rock & Roll". Both teams worked in the famous Brill Bldg. But they were far from alone in being prolific. Another "Brill" team was Bacharach and David who collaborated on their first hit in 1957-
The Story of My Life. It was a country tune for Marty Robbins.
And there/have been many very prolific country composers as well, including Willie Nelson.