Some other brands I have limited experience with, but have liked...
Dr. Music -- I only have DM-102 which I found on clearance, but it was VERY good except for one clunker -- the Janis Joplin version of Mercedes Benz.
Sing King -- I only have the two Gordon Lightfoot discs, but those were very good and included the full orchestration on some of his classic hits that included french horn, strings, etc. real instruments not midi.
All Star -- I only have All Stars 981 and 982, but was VERY impressed with their quality. Generally they are easy to read, have count in bars ala Sound Choice, sound pretty good and have pretty decent background singers. The pricing is very competitive as well.
Radio Starz -- I give these guys a top grade! The Garth Brooks discs are just great, the Steely Dan disc rocks and the Pearl Jam disc is well worth your while for "Jeremy" alone as well. I was lucky enough to find them for $6 a piece a few years back and I need to get some more.
All Hits 8000 series wasn't half bad and has some stuff that isn't that easy to come by. The 2000s were another story -- pretty similar to Sweet Georgia Brown, but they did have some good rock and roll songs I wouldn't have otherwise...
I'll probably think of more later.