srnitynow @ Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:44 pm wrote:
How do you set unity gain on this mixer. My friend has it, and I was at his place for karaoke, and had high pitched feedback, and deep hum feedback. I have a Mackie mixer, that has faders that have u on the faders, but his has knobs. I looked in the manual, and couldn't find instructions on setting gain structure.
It isn't that hard. Of course you will get as many ideas about it as there are people, but personally I adjust the trim for peaks as would be normal on any mixer, set the level knob at slightly below the detent to start, then adjust Main level for volume.
Anyone familiar with this mixer. There was also a button to set either stereo, or mono to monitor speakers (I think), may have been for all speakers. Should that button be in, or out.
That is only for the 2TR-in, I believe. Shouldn't matter, as you probably shouldn't use that anyway for karaoke. It has no eq or level.