shemp @ Wed Feb 03, 2010 1:30 pm wrote:
So does that mean that the sound quality is inferior?
That all depends on what you are comparing it too. Technically a 128kbps rip is inferior to a 256kbs rip, yes. Yet superior to a 96kbps rip.
Basically it just won't have the same "punch" or sonic clarity. Now, if you were to listen to an A/B comparison back & forth from 128 vs 256 of the same song in a studio or with headphones, would you hear the difference? Some will, some won't.
But in a noisy bar over a PA? Most probably will not not be able to tell...although there are those who
claim to have "golden ears" that can always tell the difference.
BTW, this discussion is a lot like asking "which oil is better" on a mechanics forum. Everyone has an opinion!!!