Blue, I have been thinking about this for a few days now. With regard to the fiddling comp scoring method, I think it could be made to work with Phil's programming expertise. Even if a lower score came in much later, the software could automatically reinstate the previous low score and discard the new one. I'm sure Phil could do that with mirrors and bits of string??
What I see as the real problem is the "total ranking" system, whereby a low score on one song drags down the overall ranking. And it takes a long time to get it back up to a "10". I'm not sure how many songs get taken into account for the overall ranking but maybe that number could be reduced to say "the last six". This would encourage people to get more songs in real quick if their rating goes down for any reason.
Now, there's also a lot of ego massaging going on here and this is not necessarily a bad thing. There's nothing like sincere appreciation to lift self confidence and help bring out the best in a performer. I, personally, haven't learnt a great deal from having my back patted. I have learnt a lot from people making tactful observations about things I could improve on. Maybe some of us are giving out accolades in order to get our own songs listened to, and commented on in a flattering way. If we weren't all so focussed on having that "10" next to our name we could start to gain more personally from the critique system.
Having said all that, I revel in the comments I do get... You are all very special to me!
More songs please Blue, I'm going cold turkey here!!!
Those who bring sunshine to others cannot keep it from themselves