I receive critique mostly from my hubby & believe you me, it's not always peachy
! Sometimes when I'm learning my new song, I find out later the whole time I was practicing for nothing, I was doing it all wrong... like for instance, I'd be way off on a note, the melody is going 1 way & I'm going another
! but ya know to me, it's all a learning process & with learning comes experience.
I can honestly say that when I do critique folks, I'm not doing it in a nasty fashion at all or trying to upset them in any way... but it always seems that I do upset them & they lash out at me in their reply comment, then they hold a grudge forever & ever... & then all of a sudden I'm the bad guy, I mean girl
! I'm just having fun, everyone should lighten up & enjoy cause ya don't know what tomorrow has in store for us