NoahRyan @ Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:56 pm wrote:
I need a good song to sing for karaoke.I have a few requirements though.
1. Fairly Modern;-it needs to be something fairly modern like up to 2008 or 20007 and up
2. Somewhat easy-I have a nice voice but, i haven't really practiced in a while
3. Preferably by Beyonce, Lady Gaga, something like that - i wont be limited
4. Glee like- I like songs glee has performed so that might help
Thanks in advance
Wide open bro. Total open to you. If you have itunes, right click on a song you really like, click "get info" then click on the lyrics tab, go to, type in the name of the song, click on one of the links (365 usually opens up fast) copy and past the words in the open window for lyrics on itunes, sing the song a few times and then go try it at a show.