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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:32 pm 
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kjathena wrote:
earthling12357 wrote:
So, are you making a case that it's somehow inappropriate for Soundchoice to post links to Karaoke Channel and Clark Music on their website?

Sound choice links to Karaoke channel and they list "home Use only"

Clark Music created custom discs...perfectly legal to import 1 copy of discs from overseas.

Different animals in each situation.

Please tell me how that is so different from what Latshaw has proposed doing with icroons?
It seems you are still implying that Latshaw is going to do something illegal.
Is that the message you are trying to get across?


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:46 pm 
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I asked 9 different people read and critique my post midway tru the last page. Each one fully comprehended the post(even those who may not agree with my veiwpoint). maybe you just read too quickly .......I hope that if you re-read it you will gain understanding.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:44 pm 
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[quote=" Until you can find a shread of legal proof that an American KJ was ever breaking the law or sued for purchasing or playing legally licensed music from another country, please stop what you're doing. It's a disservice to every KJ here, and especially the ones who come here to get sound advice.[/quote]

Can you find me a shred of legal proof that any KJ was ever sued for shifting CDGs to a computer for use in a show until a few years ago?

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 5:56 pm 
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leopard lizard wrote:
[quote=" Until you can find a shread of legal proof that an American KJ was ever breaking the law or sued for purchasing or playing legally licensed music from another country, please stop what you're doing. It's a disservice to every KJ here, and especially the ones who come here to get sound advice.

Can you find me a shred of legal proof that any KJ was ever sued for shifting CDGs to a computer for use in a show until a few years ago?[/quote]
It's small potatoes. A foreign country going after American KJs would be ludicrous. There is nothing to be gained by doing it. What money do you think they will get in damages?? The cost of litigating something like that, from across the sea would be prohibitive. It would be like Homeland Security suing KJs for using foreign downloads. Once again, a foolish, costly move that would not bare fruit.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:36 pm 
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It wouldn't be the foreign companies as their fees would have been paid per their rules. They have a profit and not a loss from it. It would be the American publishers who would not be getting their slice of the pie who would object.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:40 pm 
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Ok, I’ll take the time to make it perfectly clear to you how I came to the conclusion you are trying to give a false impression.

kjflorida wrote:
HUMMM. So Latshaw is saying they can not be sued for linking to sites "since it would link to sites around the world where downloaded content may violate copyright agreements in this country (or others), " Does anyone know if a user could be sued for using the sites ?

You have taken this quote from Latshaw out of context and changed it’s meaning. Here is the full quote:
After warnings from multiple colleagues in the karaoke industry that the iCroons.com project would invite lawsuits from music publishers since it would link to sites around the world where downloaded content may violate copyright agreements in this country (or others), we decided to abandon the iCroons project indefinitely as mentioned in a previous post.

HUMMM…. So Latshaw never said that, it was his karaoke industry colleagues that warned a music publisher might try to initiate a lawsuit with such an accusation. There was no statement from Latshaw that icroons would violate any copyrights anywhere. You twisted his words to make it look that way.
Perhaps that was unintentional, but then:

kjathena wrote:
thoose interested may want to look at this thread also.....viewtopic.php?f=26&t=24388

After twisting Latshaw’s words to make it look like his intentions were less than honorable, you posted a link drawing a comparison of his activity to that of someone who is on the wrong side of the law.

kjathena wrote:
I seem to recall a lawsuit brought by SONY against a reseller...sorry I can not locate the link presently ...if they are willing to do this do you really think they (or another artist or publisher) wont to decide to push the matter if the current actions against karaoke theft are not effective ? Karaoke may be a micro market but it does bring cash into those with rights to be preserved (singers/song writers/record labels). Since the karaoke manufactures are not being able to licence the quantity of music (as in the past), they have to make more per licence granted. this is another way thieves are costing ALL Kj's (similar to stores raising priced to make up for shoplifters).

This again implies that icroons will be selling illegal tracks.

earthling12357 wrote:
kjathena wrote:
earthling12357 wrote:
So, are you making a case that it's somehow inappropriate for Soundchoice to post links to Karaoke Channel and Clark Music on their website?

Sound choice links to Karaoke channel and they list "home Use only"

Clark Music created custom discs...perfectly legal to import 1 copy of discs from overseas.

Different animals in each situation.

Please tell me how that is so different from what Latshaw has proposed doing with icroons?
It seems you are still implying that Latshaw is going to do something illegal.
Is that the message you are trying to get across?

kjathena wrote:
I asked 9 different people read and critique my post midway tru the last page. Each one fully comprehended the post(even those who may not agree with my veiwpoint). maybe you just read too quickly .......I hope that if you re-read it you will gain understanding.

So rather than answer my question, you choose to insult my ability to comprehend.
Well, your comprehension is clearly questionable, as I have laid out here, beginning with your inability to correctly grasp the context of the first sentence in the original post.

Now let me add some further context for you with a quote from Latshaw’s facebook page explaining this very complicated concept:
Ever wish there was a single web site you could go to and search a database of every known karaoke track ever made and instantly find the song you're looking for and where to legally get it?

Well, we're building it now... ...stay tuned

Notice it doesn’t say anything there about selling downloads.
Notice it doesn’t say anything about linking to anything illegal.
Notice it clearly states “where to legally get it”

What is suggested is a search engine where you can search for a karaoke song and find out where to legally aquire it.

So, one more question for you to ignore:
Did you read too quickly and misunderstand, or are you against this idea and suggesting it to be somehow illegal?


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:49 pm 
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leopard lizard wrote:
It wouldn't be the foreign companies as their fees would have been paid per their rules. They have a profit and not a loss from it. It would be the American publishers who would not be getting their slice of the pie who would object.

Still, not a profitable situation. Going after the KJs would be stupid. They wouldn't get anything. Besides, they are still in enough trouble from the RIAA suits. They got hurt for suing people for pirated music. You don't think they are going to get hurt for suing against people who BOUGHT music?? It would ruin them.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:00 pm 
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You are confusing threads and posts... I will state again I am NOT trying to demonize anyone. I think it was confusion between what was said and what was heard. I like the concept of the Icroons product. My belief on the licencing is based on info received from PRS ...the licencing agency in the UK that states licencing offered does not cover the USA.

Latshaw has stated he has researched and decided that HE can not be sued for offering links for others to purchase unlicensed(in the USA) tracks. The link I provided (from another thread on this site)was a person who did no more than offer links for others to use for unlicensed(in the USA) products as well. I never said or implied icroons would be selling anything other than their product(the software).

It is my belief that Latshaw as invested time and effort into a product that he hoped would fill a nitch in the market and make him money. Based upon his original posts and emotions that were evident in those posts I think his judgment is/was clouded. Personally I do not know him but I choose to think the best of everyone until they prove otherwise to me....Latshaw has not yet crossed that line in my opinion.

As far as feeling I insulted your ability to comprehend...that was the reason I sent the post to a number of others to critique and asked if they understood the post before I responded(even those who DO NOT agree with my view points)...so far still no reported problems other than yours. Maybe this is just another situation of someone hearing something inherently different than was said.

My personal goal on these forums is to provide information to all KJ's so they can research and decide upon the level of liability they wish to accept PERIOD.

have a good evening everyone :banghead: I am heading to bed with a good book.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:38 pm 
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Perhaps it is best to limit citing examples that may or may not directly relate to the characteristics of the issues in the karaoke industry. It is not difficult to construe one's desire to slant thinking in one direction or another. This situation would not be hard pressed to be concluded to that end, when you compare one blatantly illegal situation to one that has shown no intention to point to anything illegal. Google could probably be sued by everyone who owns a computer if this were a significant issue...

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:01 am 
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All this is why Kurt asked her to post it so he wouldn't have to follow up with all the fallout that has happened since she posted it for him.

Next time let his Legal Counsel post it for him.

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