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PostPosted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:49 pm 
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I have a guy who shows up like clockwork. He's just plain awful, but he buys a lot of alcohol (for himself and sometimes others), he always takes a cab home and he never causes any trouble. He's a bar owner's dream whether he can sing or not. He almost exclusively sings Elvis Presley songs.

I used to despair a bit about how to handle him, but got this idea from a karaoke book I read and it seems to help things...

Now, when he comes up I give him a huge introduction every time he sings building him up as "the Elvis of highway 40" warning any "ladies who might suffer a heart condition" that they might want to "take precautions in case they become too excited", etc.. The crowd gets a chuckle and he loves every second of the attention.

When he finishes, I'll play one popular dance song to give people's ears a break and help keep the energy up in the room, then right back into the show.

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:14 am 
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Bad singers can actually be helpful to a show. Believe it or not, they tend to break the ice for the people who are sitting on the fence deciding whether they should get up and sing. If a show is packed with awesome singers, then it can be intimidating for some people to get up there. I try to foster a welcoming attitude in my shows and certainly express the notion that talent is not required.. just have fun! I may offer suggestions from time to time, and I will not hesitate to instruct people who are abusing the mics or the sound system on the proper techniques (ie no screaming into the mics... etc). What it comes down to is I try to make it so everyone is non-judgemental and while everyone can appreciate a talented singer, there's a lot to be said for people who just like to have fun regardless of their ability!

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:16 pm 
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I'm sure we all, at on time or another, wish the worst singers would find the KJ down the street for a while. But as it's been said, Karaoke is for everyone. I can handle singers who are off key as well as the one who thinks they can do better by trying to outsing the performer from their seat in the back of the room.

I think it's more about making the bar successful. If the people are tipping well, you've got the bar staff on your side regardless of the occasional bad singer.

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:13 am 
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Thank God I'm not 70 yet. And oh by the way I hope all you young rascals are still singing and KJing when you reach 70, I even hope you live that long, in all sincerity, but do kindly remember your comments about those old 70 year olds too you made years ago. Lucky me I'm only 69. I can't tell you how many times people came over to my table when I'm out singing and thanked me for being there and wish I would come more often, now that's a compliment and made by youngsters in their 30's. Oh and we have one little ole lady who is 91 years old and still singing karaoke, I hope I live that long and can still walk, talk, dance and sing. I also still play in a band and sing, so I guess I'm extra lucky.

The ones that turn me off are the ones who go up to sing, must have that drink in hand to take a few swigs between courses and slobbering all over the mic. Later they stagger to the mic and are just plain lousy thinking they are rock stars. Had a KJ one night come up to some of us singers and said we're doing DJ music until "it" leaves, "it" was using profanity big time and drunk and a concern. He was finally banned from entering the bar after attacking one of the barmaids. Some of the younger guys took him out!

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:54 pm 
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chrisavis wrote:
I spent some time reading this site early today. With all due respect to her and her show and her worldwide popularity, I would never regular patronize a show where it is possible I may never get up on stage. I enjoy watching people sing, but I enjoy singing and singing what *I* want to sing, when I want to sing it. At least she explains it on her web site, though I would argue with the "no nonsense" aspect of it as it all seems like nonsense to me. -Chris

Didn’t understand what Chris meant about her no-nonsense approach until I went to her website “Gerrie Woo's Famous No-Nonsense Rotation”. The following are excerpt from her page. This was her blog, my side comments in blue :lol: http://www.wookaraoke.com/notes/my-karaoke-rotation/

1. When I start the show I try to start with a good singer and a good song. So, it doesn’t matter if you were there for an hour before the show. If you don’t have a good song up or a below average singer, I am not going to call you up first. If I can, I will start the show with good singers. I don’t want to shock the non-singers with bad singing. (Really? You gonna make me wait another hour to sing a song?)

2. I try and alternate male singer, then female singer. I try to play 2 or 3 rhythmic or up tempo songs, then a ballad. Sometimes I get nothing but ballads coming in. That’s when I have to call up one of my regulars (I keep a list of all my regulars’ songs on file) to sing. I may have to call them out of line to break up the boredom. (I’m gonna get bumped, wait again because I’m being penalized for turning in a ballad).

3. If an outstanding singer comes up, I try not to call up somebody that I think would feel intimidated to follow. Then, again, I have to make changes and call up someone that I know can handle it. (So I'm up after him & you’re saying it’s your call if I go next or not?)

4. If I get several really bad singers, I try to put in a good singer to make up to the audience the awful stuff they were forced to listen to. This usually happens when there are new singers that I don’t know. They come up and they are really soooo horrible. I have to think quick of someone to put up next that is really good. Again, I have make more changes and re-arrange the line-up. (Wow, got bumped again. Your rotation just went out the window. Your way or the highway).

5. If I know you and I know that the audience would enjoy you, well, then you have a good chance. But, if I don’t know you, I’ll fit you in if I can, (just told myself fat chance - good luck on that) but my first priority is to the singers that have been there for hours and been a part of my show the whole night. (But I’ve been here for hours supporting your show. Read # 1).

6. When I end my show, I try to end with a good up tempo song. I may have to go way out of line to do this but, I don’t want to end my show with a yuk song or a …..er…..bad singer….. (that’s it! I told you not to mention “bad singers” again. Do us all honest kj’s a favor & just get th f*** out of the kj business). :lol: btw my post was still related to the thread (not a hijack). I'm pointing out her take on bad singers.

To be fortunate enough to derive an income from a source as fulfilling as karaoke music has got to be as close to heaven as we can get here on earth!

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:03 am 
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I agree with Brian - Gerrie, get the Hell out of the business. You have no idea how to run a rotation.

A show should start with a good tune and the KJ can supply it if all he/she has is a stack of slow songs. Even if the 1st singer is questionable, he/she will still be entertaining and a possible ego boost to those unsure. Kinda of like "If he/she can do it, so can I."

I always loved to end the show with a sucker punch. Either take a ringer singer to finish the night or my partner and I would hit one of our showstopper duets.

And yes, I have broken the "fog" of slow songs, if I needed to. But, I never booted someone from the rotation who made the effort to make a joyful noise.

Karaoke should be a selfish pleasure.
Check out my Facebook page "Griff's Karaoke Adventures" to see how many tunes I can do without repeating!

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