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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:17 pm 
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fella came up to me, (he's a local karaoke singer) told me that a local venue I never heard of is looking for a Thursday night KJ

I can't believe it; it's tough to find a spot a KJ hasn't hit up yet, these days. I Google the spot online, it's about a year old (makes sense), it's 2 levels, (don't see that everyday, around here) looks stylish inside.

here come the red flags: fella who told me about this spot gave me the spot's contact number. I call. I leave messages with a server. I text. I emailed the venue and a contact person there. I'm not really pressed, it's just that KJs around here scoop up everything so fast, I just wanted to make sure, I shoot my shot; I'm off on Thursdays, and this spot looks kinda cool inside.

nobody responds to my texts, emails, messages. red flag, maybe? I show up on a Thursday night, unnanounced. I kinda see why nobody's called me back. The spot is em-pty. empty, empty, empty. it's only like 8pm and there's only a bartender inside. it's 2 stories, y'all. 2 levels. pretty venue inside. but it's super empty. so empty, I don't tell nobody i'm a KJ just sniffing around.

I'm also heartbroken this spot is in a local town where everyone seems to go to bed early. it's not a party town. at least not this side of town is the party town. there's nothing on this block where this venue is at. this venue is like next door to a children's daycare. c'mon, at night, nobody's around this place. daycare kiddies are at home fast asleep by 8pm.

here's the thing, tho: what if a YEAR from now, this spot is THE SPOT? ya NEVER know what changes a year can make. this spot could put the whole town on the MAP a year from now and all I'll be saying is: man, I had a chance to work there and I blew it.

so, what say y'all? should I give this place a shot? when I visited tonight, I saw 2 young ladies park next to me walk into the spot (while I stayed in my car) and about 7 min later they both returned to their car without anything in hand and drove off. I don't blame 'em. there's nothing in this area, this town goes to be early, at least this side o' town, and the venue was absolutely empty inside, at just 8pm on a Thursday. and it's a 2-level venue, ya'll.

alls I was thinking was, even if I hosted karaoke here, I can't see just drinks holding this place up. yes, this spot serves food, but the whole vibe of the place don't make you wanna sit and eat a meal. I dunno why. just like the 2 girls who abruptly left, it's a beautiful venue inside but it doesn't exactly inspire you to sit around. this venue, as-is, is definitely in the wrong city. i'd bet in any other city, this venue would be the SPOT. any other town. but this venue is unfortuneately in a quiet part of town where everyone goes to bed early. geez, it's pretty enough as a 1-level building. but this spot is 2-levels!! 2-levels of emptiness. drinks alone cannot keep this spot humming, folks need to get gobs of food to keep this spot afloat and I just don't see it.

apparently this spot is doing something NYE and they have weekly trivia. I can't imagine how the trivia is going, there.

but ya never know, a year from now the spot could be the hottest ticket in town. should I toss my hat in the ring and attempt to host karaoke there, see how it goes? am I judging a book by it's cover?

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 9:24 pm 
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btw, it seems no one has hosted karaoke at this spot, yet. if I get a chance to, I could be their first KJ host.

it's barely a year old. I can't imagine it has enough clientele by now to hold it down.

I was so disappointed pulling up in the parking lot for the first time....like, it's here? y'all can't find no better spot to have a cute 2-story venue but in this quiet, blind-spot, everyones-in-bed-by-7:30pm area?

but who knows? maybe folks would support it and come out if karaoke was there. i'd hate to be regretting things a year later if the spot blows up with another KJ, though I'd be happy for that KJ and the venue

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