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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 9:48 pm 
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OKAY...... just wanted to grab someone's attention.

I need help with this mixer I have. Because I seriously DO NOT know what I'm doing.
I ~fInAlLy~ hitched a ride on down to radio shack and got me some cords to hook it up..... the RIGHT cords..... ummmmm, who knows?? The guy at Radio Shack was quite the little dweeb. (no offense intended...LOVE the store... )

Now, FIRST of all..... I don't want any snickering behind my back people, cause I am going to sound like a dweeb myself here in a sec. I'm going to show you all what an actaul idjit I am with mixing equipment, so maybe someone will feel sorry for me and help me out.

~ :oops: ~ ...............sad, but true

Okay, got 2 "different" cords and an adaptor so I would be sure and have the right connection...(you know, I was smart and bought an "extra" ) - & danged if I don't have every one hooked up. My living room has been taken over by cords now. Seriously..... if my house was clean, I'd take a pic and put here so you could see what a mess I've made.

I DO have sound..... in my headphones I can hear the music & me singing. It's putting my voice into CEP. But I have TONS of noise. (like a constant loud hiss in my ears) The hiss is not recording into CEP.... it's just on my headphones. (and my comp speakers when I unplug the headphones) I mean REALLY loud hissing.

So.....here's what I did...... pa-leeeeeease don't laugh, I know this is wrong....

Oh, first off- it's a Behringer Eurorack 502 (given me by someone on here) :wink:

Okay..... I usually have my headphones plugged into my headphone jack in front of my Dell computer. I took cord #1 .... double "audio" jacks to single comp size heaphone jack..... put it from there to the "tape in" on the mixer.
Then..... I have cord #2 (with adaptor to make it guitar jack size) going from ONE of my "main out" guitar jacks to the "mic in" on back of my computer. I KNOW you are supposed to use "line in".... but it wouldn't work. Even when I went into my sound control and changed it to "line in" rather than "microphone" for recording.

First recording was reallllllyyyy bass-y sounding. (not the fish...bass as in "not treble") haha I sounded like I was in a small empty closet....... or a cardboard box or something, so I played with the dials a little...... EQ high & lo..... and got that a little better. But the mix pretty much stinks, even using my SM58..... my cheap walmart $10 mic sounded better IMO.

So, any help would be greatly appreciated. I really don't know what I'm doing...... I think I got ALL the wrong cords & hooked them up ALL wrong, to ALL the wrong places....... and I really am clueless as to what "EQ" and "Gain" even do.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:29 pm 
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You may want to add that the mixer you are talking about is a Eurorack 502; That will help people like Micky (who use a similar one) to ans. your questions.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:36 pm 
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I see you did mention it in the mid of your post. somehow I missed it

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 5:50 am 
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Hi Blue

OK, looking at the Behringer Eurorack 502 (I used to have one :wink: ), you should be connecting as following:

Microphone - Channel 1
The Level (white knnob bottom left)on channel 1 turn anti-clockwise as well as the Gain (black knob top left)
Connect your mic on to the top left XLR input (it's the black round plug with 3 holes and has mic written above it)
Set the Low and Hi EQ buttons (blue one's) to 12 o'clock position (o) The Pan (second white knob from bottom) to centre.

From here we can start adjusting the gain slightly up as well as the level.

I took cord #1 .... double "audio" jacks to single comp size heaphone jack..... put it from there to the "tape in" on the mixer.

You should really consider using channel 2/3 or 4/5 instead of tape-in. By using tape-in you may just run into impedance mismatching problems. The Main out L & R should be connected to your line in. There must be a way we can set this up. I'm sending you a PM with more info.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:28 am 
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And Blue... might I add....

You are not in the "stupid boat" alone --- I'm there with ya gal! :wink:

I got a Behringer mixer the other day & now it's sitting atop my karaoke machine waiting for cords and I'm already a mess deciding what cords I will need and where they will go. Unfortunately I live 100 miles from any cord stores (or from anywhere actually) so it's gotta wait until I hopefully go somewhere this weekend.

Micky helped me out quite a bit tho.. this is from another thread on here (OK Mic and cheapy karaoke machine - I think is what I called that thread)

Micky wrote:
Connecting the player:
You'll need a cable with male rca at one end and 1/4 inch male stereo at the other end or use a standard rca cable with both male connectors at each end and just get two adapter to convert rca to 1/4 inch, you will use Line 3 if you have two mic inputs or the next line in right after the mic inputs.

Connecting the mixer to computer:
Now that you have your cdg player connected to the mixer, you'll need to send the signal to the computer, will you be using the effects from the computer like EAX or from an outside source? Let's say you'll be using from the computer: Connect the AUX SEND from the mixer to Line In on the audio card, take note that you'll need a Male 1/4 inch MONO to 1/8 male stereo and connect the AUX Returns L & R to the Line Out on the audio card, you'll need a cable that has two male 1/4 inch on one end to a 1/8 male stereo at the other end. All these cables should be available at RS for little $$$

Your new mixer probably has some XLR connection for the Mic inputs? If that's the case, I suggest you buy this type of cable instead of using the low quality cable you were using with your cdg player, even if you connect the best Microphone using your old cable, you'll still get bad signal

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:50 am 
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Hey, thanks you all.

Gotta run to work, can't mess with this now or I'll get ticked off..... and go to work in a bad mood..... and yell at my boss...... and lose that new job already. :wink:

So.... I work half day today then I'll be on here hollerin' help again.

God, I'm such a mixer baby.....

Allstar- I KNOW you know how to hook this darn thing up- so I'll be in contact with ya later.

Thanks guys. Catch ya later on today.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:29 pm 
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I'm home, and ready to learn something.

Anybody out there?

.........................................~ :roll: ~..................................................

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 2:37 pm 
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Check your PM Blue.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2005 4:27 pm 
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I DID........

Thank you. You were a huge help, and I think I might just make this work without going insane. (well....."more" insane)

Thank you very much.

Heading back to Radio Shack tonight......... :wink:

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:21 am 
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Okay- got all the right cords now. Actually found a reallllly smart guy at Radio Shack this time who knew all about hooking a mixer up to a computer, and helped me pick out the right (mono- stereo) cords and such.

So....it's all hooked up right.

Tony- the hiss is GONE.... I think cause I had a single "stereo" plug in the left main out- nothing in the right- going to a "stereo" plug on the comp. (mic in) ????? Dunno the why's of it all - but my sound is clear now in the headphones. I also got "line in" to work, so I'm not using "mic in" anymore.

So WooooooooHoooooooo - I'm singing standing up now- instead of hunched over my comp desk to use my comp mic- and I can hear it clearly.

Thank you for all your help. :D

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:27 am 
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BlueStainedShoes wrote:
Actually found a reallllly smart guy at Radio Shack this time

That's a keeper. You don't find them often at the Radio Shack stores :wink:

So....it's all hooked up right.

BlueStainedShoes wrote:
Tony- the hiss is GONE

So WooooooooHoooooooo - I'm singing standing up now

:D Glad to be of service.

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