Should a KJ choose your order of songs if you are signed up for more than one song?
What I mean is, if you are signed up for 2 or more songs how do you feel if the KJ chose which one you do next based on their personal feel of the crowd.
Say you were signed up to sing 'Strawberry Wine' and the last 2 songs were slow ones so, the KJ felt the crowd would prefer 'Suds in a Bucket' instead? Would you want the kJ to make that choice?
This has happened to us, sometimes the KJ has been correct and sometimes...not so correct! I personally sing the same warm up song every's just my way of getting comfortable. I usually save 'Suds in a Bucket' for later in the night when people are a little more loosened up to dance and my voice is a little more prepared for that last note! :shock: When the KJ thinks I should start off with 'Suds', I have done it and hit the note (thankfully

) but have had little or no dancers (as i stated in another post, I prefer dancers!)
So, tell me, are you strategic in your choices? How do you feel when the KJ chooses your order of songs?
Foxy- I thought I would be 'question person' today and give BJC a break