I emailed you this week. Thru this contact us link. BUT- I have sent you MANY that never got responses over my long stay here.......This time it was because you deleted my "Bad Girls" sub. It was a #1 in the nation hit for Donna Summer so it is beyond me how you could consider it too naughty for SS... Not one bad word in it anywhere. I marked it adult due to subject matter...just as a mannerly precaution...So my last message to you was why did you delete it????? And why I cannot post a song that was #1 in the nation. Clean enuf for radio play that took it to it's #1 position....When I have heard many really nasty songs on SS... I am not a prude, by the way..
I emailed you two or three weeks before you renewed my membership here...To inquire of my renewal date
so that I could change my membership. I got no reply. But as I said you were more than happy to charge my account again for 3 more months.
As I said, I realize you have a life, but if we're going to run a site, we must be responsive to it's needs...somehow...

But, now I am very aware of my renewal date, thanks...You may rest assured it won't get by me again..