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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:08 pm 
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I don't normally start topics off, but my curiosity is getting the better of me. Have you had a KJ come to your show in the past? How did they treat you? What did they say about your equipment and your show?

I've personally had several KJ's come out to my shows. I've always been baffled why someone would go out of their way to introduce themselves to me, and in the same sentence tell me that they are a KJ of "wherever". What is their motivation? Do they expect preferential treatment in my rotation? Am I supposed to let them use some super secret expensive microphone? It irks me even more when they seek out the owner to tell him that they KJ somewhere. The only time that I would mention that I'm a KJ while visiting at another venue, is to give them a quick compliment on their sound or their personality.

Anyway, I'd have to say that once someone tells me they are a KJ, the interaction typically goes down hill fast. I don't care to get into debates on who has a better song selection. The very first thing a visiting KJ asks me is "So, how many songs do you have?". I already know where this conversation is headed. I have pains takingly hand selected one version of each of my songs (unless there is a huge variation) and listed that one version in my books. So no, I don't have over 100,000 songs! I also don't want to hear someone bragging about their rig, or how much they get paid. I didn't ask, and I'm not curious!

I tend to have other KJ's snub me because I use a hard drive, and I do not play discs. I stopped carrying around my CD's many years ago. It's a personal preference, and it works well for me. But you should see the look on their face after they hand me their discs, and I tell them I can't play them. Even though I usually have the same version in my books, they can't seem to get over it.

Well, last night I FINALLY had a good experience with a visiting KJ! This guy was from Kansas City, and he really knew his stuff! He was courteous and friendly, and he didn't want to challenge me on anything. Huh? We ended up talking for nearly a half an hour after the show. During the show he didn't hassle me about when he was going to be up. Most importantly, he never once came up and told me how to mix the vocals or EQ the music. When he left, he told the owner that he had a great time, and that I was a good KJ.

So I guess maybe I should stop stereotyping? What kind of experiences have you guys/gals had?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:54 pm 
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Most of the visiting kj's have been very well received & if any bad intents were their motive, I haven't seen any. I get a few that come in on a regular basis, they bring their discs & are actually a part of the crowd now. Maybe that's their intent to get in good then it would be easier to take it over, but I doubt it. When I get nights off that they are working, I will recipricate the visit, but it's hard since I only have Sat & Sun off, I prefer to spend that with my fam.
Once I did have a guy thinking he was all that, said we should swap libraries, playing along I asked what he used, he told me he had all of the SGB, Backstage, Nu-Techs & the likes. I laughed pretty hard, saying no sorry, not going to trade what I have for what you wish you had. Haven't seen him back. Again most are pretty cool & just want to party like everyone else.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:14 pm 
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Out of 11 to 15 singers, we could have 6 KJs/former KJs on any given night. Two run the show at the same venue on another night. One used to run the show there on our night but now has a show elsewhere on a different night. Three are no longer in the business. There are two more who come to the same venue but not on our night.

No one has expected any kind of special treatment but a few have criticized how we do things. One criticizes that we dim the lights too much-- valid--we're fixing it. Another has declared that they hate bumper music. Another couple has told our singers that we don't have enough or the right kind of songs and offers to burn them their own CDGs. A few have asked why we aren't singing in every rotation. None of them have criticized our sound except one night when it started to turn tinny near the end of the evening for some reason. And they just agreed with me when I asked them if something sounded off. So our encounters have been a bit nerve-wracking but mostly pleasant.

On the other hands our friends have had 2 different former KJs complain to the bar owner about how they run rotation and one even tried to get them fired over it. He was completely out of line and made a big scene all night.

We just visited the show of the one who used to be at our venue. He had tiny little speakers and the place was like a linoleum bunker but we made the best of it because the audience was extremely friendly and supportive. We had more fun than we had expected. We did not criticize the system (except a joke about how bright the lights were) nor tell anyone that we had a show as it would seem like client stealing. But the host graciously gave us a plug on his own and the next night we had a contingent from there come ito our show and buy rounds for the entire bar twice. That probably wouldn't have happend if we had walked out because things weren't being done our way.

Are you sure the KJs are introducing themselves to get special treatment or do they just want to bond?

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:25 pm 
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You can bet, that KJs like you mention don't hang out around here.....that Kansas City guy wasn't a handsome guy named Matt was he?.....

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:38 pm 
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The only KJ that really made his mark coming to my show, was one who sat with his arms folded all night and commented that I should use echo and have a footswitch to turn it off and on for singers and when i'm talking... (at this point i'd like to add that when i host I have a separate mic for talking and I tend to use reverb not echo and occasionally a different setting depending on the song and singer....I must confess not as much as most karaoke shows i've been to... but i will change the amount if someone requests more or less) and also moaned that I didn't allow singers to sing two songs each in a row.... didn't care much for him as i'm a believer that whatever disagreements you have with my sound and set up as a former KJ you should have the decency to clap and support all singers.... you're supposed to be an entertainer!!!! The entertainer in you shouldn't die when you retire!

I have professional singers come down occassionally, and the only thing i notice is that I naturally raise my game, when KJ's and other people in the ents industry are about.... but it tends to be more cliche jokes and "entertainery" humour when they are about, rather than the more natural manner I fall into when they are not there.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:46 pm 
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johnny reverb @ Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:25 pm wrote:
You can bet, that KJs like you mention don't hang out around here.....that Kansas City guy wasn't a handsome guy named Matt was he?.....

He went by the name E-Rock. He is also an Elvis Tribute Artist that was flown out to perform next week at our restaurant. He's got an amazing voice!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 4:51 pm 
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Lonman @ Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:54 pm wrote:
Most of the visiting kj's have been very well received & if any bad intents were their motive, I haven't seen any.

I'm glad to see that you don't have to put up with the same arrogant people that seem to gravitate toward our venue. I wish I could be so lucky.....

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:35 pm 
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When I get a KJ visit they're usually good ones. I had a gal I hadn't seen in years stop by Thursday... I was embarrassed because I didn't recognize her right off. She complimented me on my book, which was just trying to say something nice because it's not very big.

The only snotty visiting KJ I've had was last summer. She told me my system was outdated and asked me when I was going to modernize. I had the computer by then so I asked her what she meant. "CAVS" she replied.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:54 pm 
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johnny reverb @ Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:25 pm wrote:
You can bet, that KJs like you mention don't hang out around here.....that Kansas City guy wasn't a handsome guy named Matt was he?.....
LMAO! If he was me, twouldn't be a handsome guy! LOL!

I like to visit other shows. Sometimse I'll talk shop. If I suspect the guy's a pirate (no offense Mike), I usually won't say nothin'! Unless they know of me.

I like to introduce myself as a kj or former kj that's relocated... I've had many a host or kj ask me where I got my songs from (as I have a lot of rare ones), or I'll comment on the mixer or microphones... I just want them to know I'm not some normal singer - that I'm a professional, or once was.

NEVER would I suggest anything like adjustment of the mics or volume or treble/bass... that's just RUDE.

The only time I've given any KJ any crap, was when Lonnie got tipsy and accidently opened up the playing player thinking it was the other player that was playing. Suddently he got pelted with a bunch of ex=jello shooters! LOL!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:59 pm 
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Hey now! :mrgreen: Quit bringing large groups of people in to party & buy me shots!

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 7:57 pm 
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Most hosts who travel and visit other shows, introducing themselves is no different than police officers, firefighters or other professionals visiting their opposite number from different cities, towns, etc. It's comeraderie, friendship, and sometimes education.

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:09 pm 
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Gryf, myself and Flipper---3 KJ's all at once--we all visited the same KJ's show at once!! Go see the pics on the KARAOKE IN PORTLAND thread!.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:37 am 
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Thanks everyone for your input. I'm wondering if perhaps it's just a local thing. There are quite a few KJ's in this area, so I'm thinking it's just self proclaimed "alpha dogs" peeing on stuff. I appreciated everyone's time reading my babble.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:24 am 
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there are a few that come to my shows that are very nice people I give them a plug and they do the same for me .
I have to admit I make a mental note of what they do that I like and what they do that I don't like . I'm sure they do the same .

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:36 am 
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I had a problem once with a KJ trying to recruit my customers to his venue down the street once but it did not work.

With the exception of the above KJ all other visits have been very positive and usually end up strengthening the bond between us. I always introduce them as a fellow KJ and if they are currently playing at a venue I give them a plug for their show. They do the same when I visit them.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:04 am 
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Older KJ'S will sit down beside and help take slips and watch my techniques and we discuss things. After you have done it for a long time it is natural to sit at the station and out of habit work for the show. I welcome all and plug them unless they are an 4r564. Usually we wind up as friends and throw each other parties if we are busy elsewhere.

On the opposite side when visiting if the KJ isnt threatened I join in and add to the show and help customers. If they have a contest I will sing but disqualify myself as another host.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:21 am 
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I went to another KJ's show last night... guy ran a great show, only problem was he was using some inferior mics... and during a duet, I had to lean over to him to turn my mic down, as it was causing feedback... he nodded, did so, and the feedback eliminated.

I told him later that I had a more powerful voice, and Ruthie my wife, did not... had run into this before. He was wanting to adjust, but coudln't figure out which mic was on which channel... he couldn't see which mic had a green band and which one had the red one.

As I said, it was an inferior set, but the guy's a part time KJ, who's getting back into hosting... I was more than okay with the tiny problem... and he figured it out quickly enough. Nor was he threatened by my presence... in fact, he was comforted by it, and had someone to talk to on that level of things.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:34 am 
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SwingcatKurt @ Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:09 am wrote:
Gryf, myself and Flipper---3 KJ's all at once--we all visited the same KJ's show at once!! Go see the pics on the KARAOKE IN PORTLAND thread!.

I think we all had a good time and didn't pick anyone or anything apart. Just part of the crowd as far as the KJ would know if Flipper and Kurt hadn't already known him :)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:35 am 
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knightshow @ Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:21 pm wrote:
I went to another KJ's show last night... guy ran a great show, only problem was he was using some inferior mics... and during a duet, I had to lean over to him to turn my mic down, as it was causing feedback... he nodded, did so, and the feedback eliminated.

I told him later that I had a more powerful voice, and Ruthie my wife, did not... had run into this before. He was wanting to adjust, but coudln't figure out which mic was on which channel... he couldn't see which mic had a green band and which one had the red one.

As I said, it was an inferior set, but the guy's a part time KJ, who's getting back into hosting... I was more than okay with the tiny problem... and he figured it out quickly enough. Nor was he threatened by my presence... in fact, he was comforted by it, and had someone to talk to on that level of things.

Perfectly normal, I don't know why anyone would have a problem with that.


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PostPosted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 2:05 pm 
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Flipper @ Sun Feb 01, 2009 10:36 am wrote:
I had a problem once with a KJ trying to recruit my customers to his venue down the street once but it did not work.

With the exception of the above KJ all other visits have been very positive and usually end up strengthening the bond between us. I always introduce them as a fellow KJ and if they are currently playing at a venue I give them a plug for their show. They do the same when I visit them.

I laugh & let it happen anymore, if a kj is THAT hard up that they have to go to successful shows to try & solicit customers, i'll let 'em. Don't happen often, it has in the past, but 9 out of 10 times the handful of customers that actually end up out at the other show, come back into mine a while later & tell me what a joke it was.

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