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 Post subject: subbing the same songs.
PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:19 am 
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ok what are your opinions people on you subbing a song...and someone the very same day also subbing the same song done their way?

this has happened to me today, and whilst it doesn't worry me because each person sings a song a different way....i do think out of respect i would not sub my version of a song that was already there by someone else i would wait at least a day or until the song moved to the 2nd page, and especially that subs do move down the list so quickly you may not even have to wait a day to sub your song.

perhaps people dont check the showcase before submitting and then realise later...who knows.

what are your opinions am i being a little too picky and touchy...or do i have a valid point?

it just suprises me that this happens quite a lot, this is the first time its happened to me probably because normally i sing some way out stuff lolol and of course its wonderful to hear how people interpret songs in their own way, but is it really fair especially as both parties subbing give their all to the songs they sub?

anyways just a few thoughts :-)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 6:33 am 
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Missy, same thing happens to we musicians.... It's just wrong to play the same song someone else did shortly after they did it if you are sitting in, or at a show covering the same song a different band did. Not very tactful to do deliberately IMHO. Often the undertones are "one-upsmanship", or some aspect of competing. Often creates a competitive situation, "who did it better".

Excellent point, I've noticed that happening days apart, yet never the same day...Seems that to do that, isn't "cool" at all.

There's a usual tacit understanding that such things should not be done.

I wonder if the person who submitted the same Carol King song realized it was already done. The question I'd also have, is should she remove her submission, assuming one can do-so.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:00 am 
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This is a weird week let me tell ya! Every day this week (no lie) there have been songs that I've thought of doing, ones that haven't been popular in ages, and up pops that song on this site from someone else. :wink:

Then the other day I did record a song intending to sub it later that day and then I noticed that a guy subbed it before I was finished. I waited until late the next day to sub mine, even though I think he'd have been ok with it. I had it happen to me not to long ago that I subbed a song and was SUPER excited about it and let it be known in my comments that I was ecstatic about it and I knew it had some flaws in it but after the hrs I stuck into it I was still pumped. A couple of hours later here comes the same song from a really good singer, one that I really admire in fact, and I kind of felt like it was "in your face" slap like "see this is how it's supposed to be done". Don't know if she intended it that way - probably not - but it still felt that way. (yep AllStar - there are those things called feelings again LOL :wink: - Luv ya AllStar :lol: )

Not only are you risking hurting someone's feelings by subbing the same song the same day, but both of you will probably get less listens too because not too many will sit down and listen to the same song multiple times just because they are done by different people.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:19 am 
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It's funny you posted this topic, Missy, because I was thinking the same thing just yesterday. In fact, I thought about it because one of my favorite singers subbed a song and a little while later, on the SAME day, someone else subbed the same one. I looked at the "new" entry and debated whether or not I wanted to listen to it again, and opted not to.

Not that I sub very often, but when I'm even thinking about it, I use that search thing on the showcase first. I enter the song I'm considering and see how many people have subbed it lately, if any. I kind of view it the same way as I would if I were actually at karaoke. I don't want to hear the same song twice in one night, and I'm pretty sure many others don't either. If I had turned in a song slip to the KJ earlier and someone else sings the song I entered, I immediately change it. Even if I pretty much had my mind set on it for the evening.

However, the only time I would see it OK to sub the same song on the showcase on the same day would be like FoxeRoxy's situation: Different genders. If a man subs a song and then a woman comes along with the same one, it's no big deal because there's really not that "competitive" aspect along with it. Men and women clearly do not sing the same way, so the styles are going to be completely different. But when two women, or men for that matter, sub the same one on the same day, I think that's saying, "I think I can do this better, so here's mine." Kind of tacky, really.

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Last edited by Debauchery on Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:20 am 
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don't get me wrong i wasn't hurt or offended by it...in all fairness the lassie has done the song in a different fashion to how i did...but yes it is there and to be honest i do check always before i sub a song to make sure its not already there done by someone else.

perhaps this person is a new member...i just think this happens a little too much on SS

please people check the showcase before you sub :-)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:36 am 
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I always thought it was an un written rule that you DON"T......and i'm sure i read it somewhere here too in the last couple months....that you WAIT until the song is off the first page. I did one a couple days ago...and today someone did the same song. To me, that's the right way to do it.

It does seem unseemly....IMHO to put one up when there is already one there. What's with waiting one day? I've had a song ready and seen someone else has put it up.....i just wait. No big deal. Maybe there should be a PINNED thread stating that. It's only common courtesy and good manners.

And you all are right. This last month i've seen ALOT of this happening. I admire Steve for saying so on one persons sub too. And in a nice way.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:55 am 
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and people please i am not just pointing fingers at that one lassie...as ive said it is happening a lot.

and as debauchery pointed out do people really want to hear the same song twice in one day.

If the lassie does read this ... i am not picking at you sweetie, you sang it your own way and did a lovely version :-)....all i am saying is for future reference it would be better if you checked before you subbed a song...whilst i havent taken offence some members could.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:19 am 
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as busy as the site gets, I'm amazed this doesn't happen more often.

I will admit before I sub a song, I check to see if someone else subbed it, even at ALL. But one time I subbed a song the same day as someone else. When I did a search, I realized I was the person who was the "follower', even unintentionally...

so i deleted my song, and resubbed it about a month later.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:25 am 
some people don't look before subbing... some people don't care... some people think "nobody else would ever think about singing this song" at the same time you are thinking the same thing... for some people it may be the only song they know... some people get over it... - tig

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:47 am 
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What if someone has submitted a song that I want to?

One would believe that with the multitude of karaoke versions of songs available, no two songs would be the same. However, this may occur. While not making it a requirement we suggest that if you wish to submit a song that is already listed that you wait at least a week before you submit your version

Now, I imagine that this wouldn't count for THEME songs, cuz they're only UP there a week, and let's face it, sometimes there just AREN'T very many songs to FIT within the theme...

I had that happen to be before (someone subbed the same song as me the same day) and I have to admit, I was a bit choked, cuz this person is a far more knowledgable and talented person than me, so of COURSE there's was better. I kinda felt like them subbing the song was a way of saying "ok.... now this is how ya REALLY sing it" but that's just me. Childish, I know, but hey.... it's how I felt. Im certainly over it now! LOL!

ok... there's my two cents!


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 8:53 am 
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ya know... now that I think about it..... I guess as long as the person waits untill the FIRST sub is off the front page, I think that's pretty sufficient... anyone else?


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:05 am 
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in all honesty ive never been competative in that respect...i think thats perhaps because i do have a different sound so whatever song i sing won't sound like someone elses lol nor do i want it to be :-)...don't get me wrong there are many many singers ive heard on here ive envied and thought wow i wish i could sing like that or i wish i had that tone to my voice i would be singing stuff like this or that and normally then i will ask that particular person to try a song.

i don't see it as the person being competative and for instance sake this person was fully aware of my sub....they have in actual fact cut their noses off to spite their face really because as it stands people had listened to mine...and so far as suspected many will not want to hear the same song again...so the lassie doesn't get the same amount of listens and comments, which is a shame but fact of life on showcase eh.

I don't think it was deliberate but what i wanted to put forward was the aspect that yes really its only curteous not to sub the same song the same day :-) and hopefully if its brought to peoples attention in the forum that members will make a mental note to check the showcase for future subs :-)

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:09 am 
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i think a page or a day yeah crystal is fair enough...a week i agree about themes etc it is a bit much.

on the whole its normally a page a day on showcase from what ive noticed perhaps a little over...wow thats some subs aint it...75 i think...never counted hehehehe

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 9:50 am 
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I try to do like Deb and do a search on the song but I've gotten a bit lazy on that. I usually scan the front page and if it's not there it's good to go! I agree that Theme's are different. Only so many Halloween songs out there etc.. I had to run and check your sub's Cindy... I was holding my breath hoping it wasn't me!! I'm sure sometimes it's just an accident!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:03 am 
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Sheraokee wrote:
I had to run and check your sub's Cindy... I was holding my breath hoping it wasn't me!! I'm sure sometimes it's just an accident!

Although I do admire you tremendously Sheree - nope funny bunny wasn't ya and it wasn't here. Took place at another place on the Net and was someone else :lol: and hurt a little bit but I'm over it too. I'm pretty easy going - I might get upset off the handle but I calm down pretty fast too LOL! :wink:

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:27 am 
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MissyGG @ Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:09 pm wrote:
i think a page or a day yeah crystal is fair enough...a week i agree about themes etc it is a bit much.

on the whole its normally a page a day on showcase from what ive noticed perhaps a little over...wow thats some subs aint it...75 i think...never counted hehehehe

Bluntly, I think it's tacky. Being a bit pessimistic, sometimes I would consider someone is saying, "boy did your version suck, I can do that a whole lot better and I am going to show you and make your sub look crummy."

What can I say? I always wait, even if actually, I really don't think my sub would be that much better, I just really would like to do the song. It may sound wierd, but I am zero competitive with other singers here. I compete with myself. If I have done something well for me, then I think, well cool. If something is not as good I say, well, that's about as good as I can do it.

I agree, there are a lot of subs, and I am not going to feel guilty after several days or several pages, for subbing the same song.

I am a Doors, Beatles, and a few other major artist fan, and at times I think guys like to sound little more Beatlish or Doorish, or whatever.

In the country realm I have seen there are songs like Patsy Cline that are going to be redone a lot. In fact, some Karaoke DJs I know have "songs I hate to put up because they are done so much but are popular so I do." Kind of like "Night of a Thousand Nixies."

We may be a little heavy into the critque thing, but we are here to have fun and it is uncool to resub on top of someone.

I'm pretty hardcore set on that opinion.


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 5:50 am 
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I think its just polite to wait until a song's off the frontpage before subbing the same track...

I don't sub very often, but when I do, I have a quick scan of the frontpage to see if the song's already up there...

One-uppmanship isn't something that's needed on here

It's kinda like when you sing at karaoke, and then someone else sings the same song a little while later...

Nothing inherently wrong with it, just not the nice thing to do...


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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 8:14 am 
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so what if you didn't KNOW that the other person had subbed the song (my example above in the thread)???  In my case, I checked... now the submission was still over a week old, but I still felt worried that people would think I was trying to compete with the other singer.

Not everyone is so thoughtful. What if you have someone that just wants to do that song, and says "I didn't see the other one by the other person"...

in your mind, that's being 'Tacky'?

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 8:31 am 
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Naah... it's not tacky. I think when a mistake like that happens, usually one person let's the other know and all is well. I don't think it's a big deal, but I guess it's up to each individual how to handle it. I think a week is more than enough time Matt... I think as long as it's off the front page it's good to go. But that's my opinion.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 9:39 am 
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I take FOREVER to write my description...yes, I should have it planned ahead of time, but rarely do....so it would not suprise me to check the latest submissions and then while I am in the process of uploading, to have someone sub the same song!  My life is full of stuff like that  :dontknow:

And Foxy....I don't know if you ever got to hear 'Wannabe' (who I miss greatly, BTW) But when a song would come to mind for me to try, I would look at the latest submissions and sure enough...9 out of 10 times...she had subbed it...we both had great taste in songs!LOL  
I would just wait until she reached the 2nd page (which is rather quick these days) and then I would do mine....that's my story anyway....

When you are out singing....KJ's don't normally let 2 people do the same song in one day ~night~ (where I have been anyway) so it should be the same here. IMO
The same goes for all polite behaviour at shows and here, but thats another topic.  :reddevil:


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