DannyG2006 said:
LEt's get it straihght. I get away with it because the flyers and ads say Karaoke/DJ.
I get away with it because the client (Club owner) wants me to play music between rotations if I have less than x amount of singers. Once I reach that status it is straight karaoke and I will not play dj music just to interject some life in ballad hell.
Really? So you only do that when the rotation "is less than x amount of singers"
because the Club Owner wants you to. Apparently, it has nothing to do with getting out of ballad hell, and you're not "getting away with it" because the owner has told you to do that.
You can't have it both ways DannyG2006 because earlier you said:
No amount of "Ballad Hell" is going to change my rotation. I might at the end of the rotation take a little time(Three songs) to interject some lively dance music into the fray but it does not and will not adjust the people that a singer is following.
So let's get THIS straight:What you're saying is that if you have more than x number of singers, you will run straight karaoke with NO changes in rotation or song selection? Doesn't matter if it's 25 ballads, one after an another.... you'll play 'em. You will keep yourself in ballad hell as a matter of policy.
I also got into this because of KJ's Like you who allow line jumpers.
"KJ's like you who allow line jumpers?" Where to you come of stating this?
I don't "allow line jumpers" at all... I purposely manage the rotation and change it when it NEEDS to be changed to stay out of ballad hell. Nobody "jumps a line" and manages me.... NOT EVEN the club owner. Unlike you, I don't let the Club Owner tell me how to do my job or dictate what I'm going to do based on the number of singers in the rotation (or lack of singers.) I don't tell the club owner how to cook or serve drinks and they don't tell me how to run my show. It's as simple as that.