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PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2020 10:26 am 
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DannyG2006 wrote:
Here's the latest product for sale through Cavs

Ouch! $600 is way out of line for this. You can get similar alternatives from Amazon at 1/3 the price.

Shame on you Cavs. This is a stressful time for KJ's hosting shows. Instead of making it easier for them, and offering this at a affordable price, you have to inflate prices so you can profit by this crises. You're no better than any other company looking to make a buck based on fear.

For the same money, I can buy 24 Behringer XM8500 mics and give them to my singers.

Total rip off by Cavs.

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2020 11:25 am 
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"Sharing a microphone is like sharing a toothbrush."

People are gonna stretch this virus crap as far as they can.

DJ Don

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PostPosted: Fri May 29, 2020 5:05 pm 
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With summer coming and more people rather be outside then inside is also a factor. Not saying people don't go out to bars during the summer..but i do notice a drop during the summer

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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 7:02 am 
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:!: Outside is where you want to be since the virus doesn't like direct sunlight. Also outside it is easier to social distance, since being inside has a multiplying effect of the rate and severity of infections.

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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 10:42 am 
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No generation in over 100 years has ever just completely put their entire lives on hold indefinitely over a virus. This includes the spanish flu which killed millions, the H3N2 pandemic of 1968 which killed 100000 in the U.S. alone, 1957–1958 influenza pandemic, etc. The baby boomers and older generations most as risk for COVID-19 never did anything similar in their entire lives and yet somehow expect the younger, less at risk generations to completely forfeit their lives, in many cases their livelihoods, for an indefinite amount of time until a vaccine that may or may not come is developed. To justify this, the freedom so many died for is being presented as selfish. Businesses are being destroyed. We don't know the long term economic effects of this, but a great depression scale event isn't considered out of the realm of possibility. And that's fine? If we simply allow this to happen this time, it can happen again and again. It could be justified during flu season given tens of thousands of people die each year. The concept that if some people might die of a disease if people are allowed to make their own choices and assume the level of risk they are comfortable with - therefore freedom should be suppressed - is being is affirmed by many as valid right now, and that is very un-american and a dangerous and abusable precedent to set.

We need to let the people who are willing to take the risk return to living their lives. And it's obvious from the anecdotal stories of those karaoke hosts who have resumed their shows that plenty of people will. In order to preserve our freedoms we need to exercise them. The KJs who continue to host shows despite the peer pressure and guilt tripping being applied to them are patriots, and I look forward to tipping them extra once they resume their shows.

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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:00 am 
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:!: It's not up to the hosts as to if and when they can start up their shows again. It is up to the powers that be, namely the different states individual Governors are making the calls. Also venue owners are going to have to determine if they can afford entertainment, since their profit margins are going to be way down, at 50% capacity, many can't make a go of it at that number. As far as the economy is concerned the 2nd quarter is projected to have a GDP contraction of at least 30% or more. The only reason the stock market hasn't tanked is the Fed has pumped so much printed money into the market to keep it afloat. I don't see the BB's as being selfish since most of them are staying home. Don't tell me Zeke that you are one of those that think seniors should die for the economy?

I'm all for the younger people going out and doing there thing, just don't bring on home. Social distance from at risk groups, try and be responsible. If you want to tempt fate go ahead, knock yourself out. Just remember this virus isn't done by a long shot, and it keeps changing and mutating into to more dangerous strains, all the time. As it mutates a more varied group of ages is effected. Just wear your mask.

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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:12 am 
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It's not up to the hosts as to if and when they can start up their shows again. It is up to the powers that be, namely the different states individual Governors are making the calls.

Americans are allowing it to happen, although to be fair in the beginning the virus was being presented as much more dangerous than it ultimately appears to be (originally a 3% death rate was being claimed vs. the current estimate of 0.2% or less). Elected officials work for the people.

Don't tell me Zeke that you are one of those that think seniors should die for the economy?

I'm all for the younger people going out and doing there thing, just don't bring on home.

Why does somebody going out and assuming the risk of possibly getting COVID-19 mean that "seniors have to die for the economy"? Stay away from people who are going out, make that clear to your friends and family. You could likewise say that the you are okay with the economy dying to accommodate seniors, which is pretty selfish given how many work able people live paycheck to paycheck and need to work to survive. People's entire lives are being ruined when their business folds to "protect" you. When did you give up your entire livelihood for months and possibly years to slow the spread of a virus? This is unprecedented territory and we should be more critical of the long term ramifications of allowing this to go on.

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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:53 am 
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zeke wrote:
Why does somebody going out and assuming the risk of possibly getting COVID-19 mean that "seniors have to die for the economy"? Stay away from people who are going out, make that clear to your friends and family. You could likewise say that the you are okay with the economy dying to accommodate seniors, which is pretty selfish given how many work able people live paycheck to paycheck and need to work to survive. People's entire lives are being ruined when their business folds to "protect" you. When did you give up your entire livelihood for months and possibly years to slow the spread of a virus? This is unprecedented territory and we should be more critical of the long term ramifications of allowing this to go on.

:!: What I was referring to zeke is the Lt. Governor of Texas said that the seniors should be willing to risk going out and supporting the economy, effectively saying to take one for the economy. Seniors are not keeping workers from their jobs, the states, and business's are the one's determining when to reopen. It doesn't make any difference about reopening if no one is going out and spending money. Right now if people have money they are saving not spending. We have a consumer driven economy, no consumption, no economy. The Stimulus Money will run out on July 31st. If more money isn't approved, then the only one's with incomes will still have money. Mostly the seniors who are drawing their pensions, social security, living on their investments. That is why the 1% aren't sweating this, they can wait out the virus. Since most of the wealth will be with the seniors if they don't spend then it is going to be a rough recovery. Seniors in and of themselves do not determine when and if the economy reopens, they do have the choice about going out or not. Most say not.

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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 12:15 pm 
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Americans are allowing it to happen, although to be fair in the beginning the virus was being presented as much more dangerous than it ultimately appears to be (originally a 3% death rate was being claimed vs. the current estimate of 0.2% or less). Elected officials work for the people.

:!: Americans are allowing it to happen, for a good reason, the health experts who they should be listening to, and their own private doctors are telling them to take the pandemic seriously. You don't know for sure, or do I, how dangerous this pandemic is, we are still in the very early stages of it. In four months we have over 100,000 deaths in this country alone, and it is said the count is underestimated, there could be many more deaths that weren't recorded because they happened at home, and other causes were listed wrongfully as the cause of death. Because of poor testing we really don't know how many people were or are infected, the highest number I have seen is 15% possible, we won't have herd immunity until 60 to 75% of the entire population is infected. So you really can't say what the percentage is or will be finally. I do know over the Memorial Day weekend, as many people died from the virus, as did on 911, and that is just one weekend. We won't know until mid June if opening up again was a good or bad move. All I know is if we have to lock down again due to impatience, with the current rioting, it will be a long hot summer indeed.

P.S. If this is any help Zeke Sweden has the highest death rate of any country at 5.5% per 100,000. The reason ours is not as high is because we did lock down something Sweden didn't do. So if we had not locked down it would be a pretty safe bet we would be at that rate and not the current 0.2% you are showing. Then again it is just an estimate, there are no hard numbers one way or the other.

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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 1:59 pm 
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djdon wrote:
"Sharing a microphone is like sharing a toothbrush."

People are gonna stretch this virus crap as far as they can.

That statement also grabbed my attention. Stretch? There is zero truth in that statement, unless there's a new fad where people rub the inside of their mouth with a microphone. You can remind people to be safe and not let the mic touch their mouth, but good luck convincing people they can brush their teeth without the toothbrush touching their mouth. There's no comparison.

Besides the obvious lie, I think it's extremely reckless for any company in the karaoke industry to even put that kind of statement out there. It gives a very bad impression of the safety of karaoke, and now is especially not the time you want to be doing that. I don't know what they were thinking. They're shooting themselves in the foot (along with the rest of us in the industry).

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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:31 pm 
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I didn't mean to derail my own thread on the benefits of post-corona karaoke, although I suppose the conversation is tangentially related.

Karaoke is slowly starting to reopen around here, although the bars currently are forced to close at 10 PM which is silly. One KJ is discussing requiring using your own microphone to sing, and thus selling them at his show. This could be a nice benefit of post-corona karaoke, as KJs will have a new high dollar item to sell that they wouldn't have been able to justify selling before. You could have a cheap $30 mic for sale, and some higher value microphones, and drunk people might be inclined to buy one to sing (despite the price) after a few drinks. I would be happy to bring my own microphone to a show, something I would have been embarrassed to do previously.

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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2020 5:43 pm 
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well, as predicted, AZ is tanking.
the bars had been packed, and now ICU beds are filled more than they ever have with Covid cases, daily new case hospitalizations have been in record numbers and increasing for the last 5 days in a row, i have more and more singers falling sick with Covid symptoms, some hospitalized.
did they get it from the bar? no way to know for sure.
is it spreading throughout the state after opening too early without precautions? yup.
here we go for round 2.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2020 6:30 pm 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
well, as predicted, AZ is tanking.
the bars had been packed, and now ICU beds are filled more than they ever have with Covid cases, daily new case hospitalizations have been in record numbers and increasing for the last 5 days in a row, i have more and more singers falling sick with Covid symptoms, some hospitalized.
did they get it from the bar? no way to know for sure.
is it spreading throughout the state after opening too early without precautions? yup.
here we go for round 2.

Sorry to hear of the increased numbers, that's not what was wanted for sure, but it was to be expected.

I have a couple of quick questions. First of all, what day did the bars re-open? And do the numbers of increased hospitalizations coincide with the incubation period necessary and the day the state "re-opened?.

Here in Utah, we seem to be holding our own fairly well. We will return to "green" very soon. However, caution still needs to be followed.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:55 am 
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mrscott wrote:
Sorry to hear of the increased numbers, that's not what was wanted for sure, but it was to be expected.

I have a couple of quick questions. First of all, what day did the bars re-open? And do the numbers of increased hospitalizations coincide with the incubation period necessary and the day the state "re-opened?.

Here in Utah, we seem to be holding our own fairly well. We will return to "green" very soon. However, caution still needs to be followed.

bars reopened May 16th after numbers has been decreasing for about a week
the first tick up came on the 23rd and increased every day afterwards
the record numbers hit the 27th and have been increasing every day afterwards.

Paradigm Karaoke, The New Standard.......Shift Happens

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:26 am 
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Paradigm Karaoke wrote:
well, as predicted, AZ is tanking.
the bars had been packed, and now ICU beds are filled more than they ever have with Covid cases, daily new case hospitalizations have been in record numbers and increasing for the last 5 days in a row, i have more and more singers falling sick with Covid symptoms, some hospitalized.
did they get it from the bar? no way to know for sure.
is it spreading throughout the state after opening too early without precautions? yup.
here we go for round 2.

So, in light of this, do you think the bars are going shut down again?

In my opinion, this is way too early to be reopening bars. As you can see, this is what happens. And it will get worse.

I can only speculate from your statement: "bars had been packed", that reduced seating capacity, social distancing, and requiring masks to be worn have not been followed or enforced.

Since "more and more singers" have gotten Covid 19 there is a good chance that they have spread it to the rest of the bar. So, my question to you...

Is the bar owner just going to let this go on, like business as usual? And are you still going to take the risk of being in that environment hosting karaoke? Is the risk worth it to you?

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 3:37 am 
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mrscott wrote:
However, caution still needs to be followed.

Yep... tell that to your singers.

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 4:55 am 
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Alan B wrote:
So, in light of this, do you think the bars are going shut down again?

In my opinion, this is way too early to be reopening bars. As you can see, this is what happens. And it will get worse.

I can only speculate from your statement: "bars had been packed", that reduced seating capacity, social distancing, and requiring masks to be worn have not been followed or enforced.

Since "more and more singers" have gotten Covid 19 there is a good chance that they have spread it to the rest of the bar. So, my question to you...

Is the bar owner just going to let this go on, like business as usual? And are you still going to take the risk of being in that environment hosting karaoke? Is the risk worth it to you?

:!: This is exactly Alan what most experts have been afraid of all along. That reopening too fast and leap frogging over a measured slow reopening process would cause a second wave during the Summer rather than the Fall. So we will not have a chance to ramp up our medical supplies, and give our health workers a chance to catch their collective breaths, before we have a bigger spike in infections. Couple this with the current civil unrest and you will have the economy taking a second massive hit, this will further discourage consumers from coming out and supporting local business's many of which already have filed for bankruptcy. For those hosts that say they need to earn a living just remember "Dying isn't much of a living".

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 5:50 am 
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I just took a look at Arizona's numbers compared to Utah numbers. Number of cases for Arizona are not quite double compared to Utah's, yet the number of deaths is almost 8 times the amount. Why is there such a huge disparity of percentages? That is the question that I would like to know. Not just theories of Utahn's are generally more healthy (we are no different than anywhere else), or air quality, because Salt Lake valley's air quality is horrible. To me, there is something else that is making the numbers vastly different. Maybe the way states report? Maybe it's a combination of all things,,, I do not know. But I am sure someone does.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:16 am 
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mrscott wrote:
I just took a look at Arizona's numbers compared to Utah numbers. Number of cases for Arizona are not quite double compared to Utah's, yet the number of deaths is almost 8 times the amount. Why is there such a huge disparity of percentages? That is the question that I would like to know. Not just theories of Utahn's are generally more healthy (we are no different than anywhere else), or air quality, because Salt Lake valley's air quality is horrible. To me, there is something else that is making the numbers vastly different. Maybe the way states report? Maybe it's a combination of all things,,, I do not know. But I am sure someone does.

:!: From the start of this pandemic Mr.Scott getting accurate numbers has been a problem. The actual death count could be much higher than has been reported for numerous reasons. We don't have an accurate number as far as how much of the population has actually been infected, it could be ten times the reported number. I have seen one guess that maybe 15% of the total population has been exposed to the virus. A great deal of the population of Utah is Mormon, they don't smoke, drink tea, coffee, also they don't drink at bars. They live a very family oriented lifestyle, that could be part of the answer. Whatever the reason for the low mortality rate in Utah, you shouldn't let your guard down, we are still in the very early stages of this pandemic, it is now in all 50 states, just like the civil unrest. Together it is going to make things very hot this Summer.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:06 am 
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The Lone Ranger wrote:
mrscott wrote:
I just took a look at Arizona's numbers compared to Utah numbers. Number of cases for Arizona are not quite double compared to Utah's, yet the number of deaths is almost 8 times the amount. Why is there such a huge disparity of percentages? That is the question that I would like to know. Not just theories of Utahn's are generally more healthy (we are no different than anywhere else), or air quality, because Salt Lake valley's air quality is horrible. To me, there is something else that is making the numbers vastly different. Maybe the way states report? Maybe it's a combination of all things,,, I do not know. But I am sure someone does.

:!: From the start of this pandemic Mr.Scott getting accurate numbers has been a problem. The actual death count could be much higher than has been reported for numerous reasons. We don't have an accurate number as far as how much of the population has actually been infected, it could be ten times the reported number. I have seen one guess that maybe 15% of the total population has been exposed to the virus. A great deal of the population of Utah is Mormon, they don't smoke, drink tea, coffee, also they don't drink at bars. They live a very family oriented lifestyle, that could be part of the answer. Whatever the reason for the low mortality rate in Utah, you shouldn't let your guard down, we are still in the very early stages of this pandemic, it is now in all 50 states, just like the civil unrest. Together it is going to make things very hot this Summer.

If mrscott wants to act all macho about going back to hosting karaoke, then so be it... but keep in mine, this virus does not discriminate on where it's going to kill... or when.... or who. While Utah's numbers maybe significantly lower compared to other states, you are not immune. Especially since his people have shown no interest in taking precautions such as keeping their distance and using microphone covers.

Personally, when the bars reopen in my area, if there are no guidelines in place by the venue, and I don't feel safe, I'm not going back. I am not going to put myself as well as my wife's life in jeopardy.

Electro-Voice Evolve 50... Taking Sound To The Next Level.

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