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Do You Want To Have A Publicly Viewed Critique/How Did I Do? Area
Yes 31%  31%  [ 16 ]
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:04 pm 
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Cindy, the sad thing is you feel like you are sticking your neck out when all you are doing is being the voice of reason.

I have gotten pretty sick of the crap and consequently haven't been around much any more. While I am not seeing as much of the crap (threads being pulled, perhaps?), I AM still seeing so many references to it that it still turns my stomach.

How about this on SS--comments are not publicly posted. You want to tell someone they are great, go for it. Want to tell them they suck, go for it. It will all be private. No airing of dirty laundry. No reason to pass insults if you cannot do it for the world to see. Or maybe the singer could choose which comments they want to be seen publicly.

I don't bother submitting. I did one song. I heard some really fabulous stuff that had been subbed but there are so many submissions and pats on the back I just was not interested.

Sorry to be a downer. Back to where I started--Cindy, thank you.

:dancin: :dancin: [glow=darkorchid]Musica delenit bestiam feram[/glow] :dancin: :dancin:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:13 pm 
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Lulypalooza  :D wrote:
We'll leave that for the PMs!! haha  LOL

:rotflmao:   GOOD ONE!!!!  And you are OH SO RIGHT!!!  See, told ya you were a smart gal!!!   :worship:  :worship:  :worship:  :hug:

Texas Gigi wrote:
Cindy, thank you.

No ... Thank you, Gigi.  And I am glad you took the time to share your feelings, too!!!

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 3:41 pm 
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Luly @ Thu Jan 18, 2007 10:02 am wrote:
OMG Cindy, I swear we were separated at birth.  I was just writing something similar in the Poll, haha!! You know I will always respect everything you say.  We may not always agree, but I applaud you for your honesty and forthrightness.  I do agree wholeheartedly with you though on this issue.

goes for me too :)

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:03 pm 
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Thanks, GF!!!   :hug:

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:yes:   TALK IN YOUR SLEEP :yes:  

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:46 pm 
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Neo @ Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:50 pm wrote:

Don't feel bad..A thread I started got pulled too!!

you can start a thread and someone else can ask admin to pull it and ZOOM!! It's gone!

Godda'mn Jesse, is THAT what you're all pi$$y about? I wrote you immediately JUST to let you know I was the one who had it done.

I told you I had a reason for asking it to be removed... after all, my lands, MY name was the title of the thread, I should have had that right.

Good lord, you really don't know people till you've seen them throw a tizz.  :no:


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 5:07 pm 
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I added one basic poll question to this thread.  I wanted to include two other simple questions also, but you can't do more than one poll per thread I guess.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:44 pm 
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I voted no b/c a critique only supposedly helps the person being critiqued. B/c of the simple fact that no two people sing or interpret the a particular song the same way, why do others need to see how "so & so" (critiquer) "thinks" so & so (critiquee) needs to improve on their interpretation of the song ??? Others can not benifit from anothers critique is what Im trying to say . A song "IMO" is always open to interpretation. I hope you all get what Im tryin to say Im reading it to hubby & he doesnt..Ive been trying to think of a way to explain better but cant right now...

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[shadow=black][scroll]You have to respect your audience. Without them, you're essentially standing alone, singing to yourself....KD Lang[/scroll][/shadow]

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:18 pm 
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yeah babe I see what you are saying...
critiques should be received in private

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:24 pm 
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But doesn't Admin have any responsibility as to the "quality of life" around here?  Isn't it obvious that there is a good deal of "suffering" going on with regards to the 'hate comment ping-pong matches' that seem to occur? If it's just up to us to police ourselves, what tools do we have at our disposal that can actually correct any problems?

There's an even easier solution Don. A solution that's simple but few see it..  Example: If you are in a bar, and a friend who's near you loses it and starts pummeling others in the bar..  Do you stand there, Join in ?  Or do you pull the people apart ?   The thing to do is pull them apart because realistically if a fight takes place, the determined parties will need to continue the fight off the bar premises... Similarly what many COMPLAINING are guilty of is not requesting in PM, or directly in the SS venue  that people (yes even their friends) need to CHILL OUT, and leave the personal clutter OUT OF the SS Venue.  Rather than join your friends and abet such situations, discourage them !  It works. The members decide whether the SS features are used or abused.  Senior site members have a responsibility to SUPPORT this site. Not fight in it .  This was ALWAYS an option most as adults have had !   Collectively end altercations in SS by nipping them at the bud, friends or not. If there's a situation that can't be settled ignore,  don't confront ruining it for others.  

Don't mature adult members of this site have a responsibility to keep it working moderators or not ?   "Good deal" of suffering I suppose I can't agree with what-so-ever. "Suffering" in SS can only be self-inflicted when people lose site of THEIR OWN boundaries and priorities. As Vicki mentioned it's just a matter of perspective, BUT we all lose that at times, I know...There are also MANY MANY more enjoying the site concommitantly.  I believe there are fewer altercations in SS than in most forums, bboards, or highly interactive chat venues where people (regs) that have known one-another for a long time, spend loads of daily time. SS is also a microcosm of ANY competitive venue where people invest a lot of themselves, there are always tempers lost. If you have rank and comments and ESPECIALLY Critique there will be bickering at times.  This is a given, but it's not suffering.  Suffering in such a site is inability to ignore type...or just submit in "L" until things blow over, Sites such as SS are VERY tough sites, some of us can't deal with them, and we know this, and just stay away.  Can there be an altercation free interactive venue with the volume and membership base SS has ?  Nope.. and ALL of us at times need to take a break, and chill-out too.  The problem isn't suffering because of SS format, It's people learning and growing in a competitive environment.  Some of us have learned, we can't deal with that type atmosphere for the very reasons all speak of.  For some of us it's too much effort and it's not rewarding, I'd rather share with a small group of friends.  I have NO need to share with the whole world.... BUT all that aside, as long as there're freedoms in SS allowing the members to make or break the system, there will be problems..  If nipped IN SS, they'll carry over into here AND these situations will and do blow over (because we've also been afforded these threads to vent in, and get stuff off've our chest.  This is another positive aspect this site allows us, MANY venues do not. People blow up, vent, and in time things blow over....

While I'll be the first to admit *I* don't think Critique is an appropriate term for a venue such as SS..  The venue has decided and applied it's own definition of the word to suit majority wishes, and right or wrong, for the majority this DOES work..

Again,  Do you take away all peoples freedoms because of the minority having a tough time dealing with such freedoms ?  Does society as a whole need to lower its standards because of some that don't know their individual needs and hurt themselves with freedoms others enjoy ?  Some just seem to complain and continue banging their head against a wall  (subbing in an unreal but risky category with expectations of NO politically driven angst)

I feel bad for people like Lonman, and Jian, and others that really do want a Critique, those that DO wish for honest exchange, those that've been driven out because they KNOW they aren't "10" average singers (nobody is), and they really do care about growing and improving with others help... These types of individuals have suffered in a sense in SS,  and have been driven out of SS because a fantasyland isn't what they want.  They KNOW they are getting lied to, and don't like it, some actually are insulted by such a venue.  Those that lose out in SS, are the amateurs, novices, and ALL that do take their singing seriously and wish for genuine interaction and TRUTHFUL "Critique".. They won't get it in SS...

If I were allowed to propose something to administration that *I* felt would benefit the forum, it'd be a sub-group in the Singer's Forum visible to admitted members of the room only.  This would be a members club, and invitational type group that requires established members to approve of those they feel can function in a setting that WILL have a functioning Critique category, maybe a comments category too... This will be select group of SERIOUS singers and there would be criteria for admission.  Perhaps such a criteria would be as simple as a total of 10 viewable interactions in the current Singers Showcase beit comments left for others, or reactions to comments received on submitted material. Of the 10 total needed for admission and viewing,  5 subs would be viewable within the Critique category so those in the member-formed room that allows Critique (which can be called something like Jointly Interacting Artisan Novices Singing room) would be able to plainly view the maturity level, and ability of those admitted to interact in a setting that will have the same feature the current SS room has, but will be for the more serious singers only who can keep their cool, and HONESTLY Critique one-another.. Those that want a real recital type room...So whether it's the above room with the acronym Jians room, or Green Room, Stage left, whatever.... It'll exist for those that wish SS was realistic.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:46 pm 
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ya know sometimes its worthwhile wading through your verbosity  :hug:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:57 pm 
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Funny you should mention that.   We were just in the chatroom stating this very thing.  I said to myself,  "Kappy,  Sometimes I really enjoy your rant",  "other times I'm just not in the mood for such rhetorical diatribe, and BS"....  All of us were getting into this chat until the flaming started up.   I left !

Anyway,  NIghty night all,  I'm exhausted


Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 9:30 pm 
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yep I will say goodnite and see you post somewhere else, leaving me looking like a jerk LMAO

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:05 pm 
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So whether it's the above room with the acronym Jians room, or Green Room, Stage left, whatever.... It'll exist for those that wish SS was realistic.

But thats my point ,,, SS IS realistic for JUST what this site is a KARAOKE site ...NOT a pro site....If you go to a pro site you can sing with backing tracks or karaoke tracks also & GET the "serious" ( I dont like using that b/c I am very serious & truthful with what I say on comments,I understand some may not be but innocent until proven guilty in my book) more "in depth" critique you desire. Its KARAOKE !! Its KARAOKE !! Its KARAOKE !! I dunno ...maybe someone from here serious enough about it could actually "create" another website for SS users to go to for that ??? I just dunno !

Star Sounds Karaoke & Mobile Recording Studio

[shadow=black][scroll]You have to respect your audience. Without them, you're essentially standing alone, singing to yourself....KD Lang[/scroll][/shadow]

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:18 pm 
For the record: Had nothing to do with a recent thread being pulled. Have been off PC since topic was posted and have been off computer all day until 30 minutes ago in fact so know nothing.

Again, my scientific postulation on this most enigmatic and contentious subject is:  If you don't wish a critique, don't indicate that you want one.  If you feel that the critic is unjustifiably harsh, inaccurate or just can't accept that what the person is saying write to them and ask for more details.  Try to view what was an objective and earnest appraisal for what it is and not as a poke in the eyes to your moral fiber, especially if it is a solicited effort to help you if you've asked for a critique, advice or anything involving similar areas of opinion.  

We currently live in an era where people are so violent and volatile that we've learned to keep our true thoughts to ourselves, even in matters so prosaic as answering a someone's asking you about your feelings on their (for example) doing what you know is the wrong thing morally or otherwise, but just nodding along because you know it's what they want to hear and besides, why create all the inherent fuss an opposing viewpoint will create?

Normally when I hear a singer I'm greatly impressed with I will personally write that person and it's how to form a "ring" of colleagues who are interested in doing the same thing you are doing, exchanging tips and critiques on each other (personally and done by people whose expertise you respect),  making song suggestions for another singer, assistance with technical problems and of course, locating backings and (as I've done) custom arranging them, etc.).    There is a LOT of good going on here at KS/SS that a lot of us know about because we are engaged in it on a day to day basis, but it's little known to outside viewers looking here in the forums (with exceptions) or gazing at the screen on SS.

Thanks and good luck!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:36 pm 
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BlueStainedShoes @ Wed Jan 17, 2007 2:46 pm wrote:
Neo @ Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:50 pm wrote:

Don't feel bad..A thread I started got pulled too!!

you can start a thread and someone else can ask admin to pull it and ZOOM!! It's gone!

Godda'mn Jesse, is THAT what you're all pi$$y about? I wrote you immediately JUST to let you know I was the one who had it done.

I told you I had a reason for asking it to be removed... after all, my lands, MY name was the title of the thread, I should have had that right.

Good lord, you really don't know people till you've seen them throw a tizz.  :no:


Excuse me??? Did I Name any Names???? Did I say I was talking about the thread I started out of fun for you????  :no:

I have had threads pulled before that Charmin!!!  But thanks for letting me know just how you really feel and talking about me being Pi$$y??? you haven't seen me get Pi$$y!!!! And by the way..."I" could have changed the name of it an took your name off of it!!!!!  Did anyone ask me if it was OK to pull it???? No...I was told it was going to be pulled!!!!! I was told not ask!!!

For your information I had another thread Pulled called Million Dollar Vocal Secret!!
That thread was gone and no one even told me why!!!!

So when Vicki talked about her threads being pulled because someone else ask for it to be removed and it was!!!  I simply said...Don't feel bad I can start a thread and someone else can ask admin to pull it and ZOOM!! It's gone!!

I was sympathizing with Vicki!!!!!! But now that I know how you really feel about me...boy was I ever stupid for thinking we were friends!!!!!!  :yes:

(Good lord, you really don't know people till you've seen them throw a tizz!!)
you said that right!!!!!  :yes:

Just funny how that recently happened... but that did not mean that was the thread I was talking about!!!!  If that were the case and I was that upset about that particular one.... "I" would have said...yeah Vicki I know what you mean!!! Charmin had one of mine pulled!!  But did I say it like that???? NO!!!  :no:

No I don't know you Charmin but after that temper tantrum I don't think I even want to!!!!!! Sorry for trying to joke around with you and be the kind of friend I thought you wanted me to be!!!!  

Anyone else here want to jump my case now??? Have I offended anyone else with my joking around or silly comments????  How many others have I Pi$$ed off with out knowing it??????  :headscratch:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:43 pm 
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Karaoke  Kelley @ Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:05 pm wrote:
So whether it's the above room with the acronym Jians room, or Green Room, Stage left, whatever.... It'll exist for those that wish SS was realistic.

But thats my point ,,, SS IS realistic for JUST what this site is a KARAOKE site ...NOT a pro site....If you go to a pro site you can sing with backing tracks or karaoke tracks also & GET the "serious" ( I dont like using that b/c I am very serious & truthful with what I say on comments,I understand some may not be but innocent until proven guilty in my book) more "in depth" critique you desire. Its KARAOKE !! Its KARAOKE !! Its KARAOKE !! I dunno ...maybe someone from here serious enough about it could actually "create" another website for SS users to go to for that ??? I just dunno !

Kelley I am glad to know Im not the only one who feels this way.  :hug:

Thanks my friend  :hi5:

Who wants to start a PRO SITE???  NOT ME!!!!!!  LOL

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:45 pm 
Speaking of thread, Jesse, do you have over there? Just lost a button on my pajamas here (blue is preferred but will settle for the usual white variety)--I might have some old fishing line somewhere...hold on....oh wait, I don't fish.  Ah, never mind! Or, never brain I mean!


PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:55 pm 
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michaeljayklein @ Wed Jan 17, 2007 8:45 pm wrote:
Speaking of thread, Jesse, do you have over there? Just lost a button on my pajamas here (blue is preferred but will settle for the usual white variety)--I might have some old fishing line somewhere...hold on....oh wait, I don't fish.  Ah, never mind! Or, never brain I mean!


Never brain Michael!!!  LMAO  yeah I got some thread or I should say my wife does in her thread and needle box.....lets see....yeah here ya go!! one spool of thread with needle included!!  :biggrinthumb: I hope this off white will do. LMAO

Oh Noooooo!!! Someone pulled it!!!!!  :rotflmao:

ah never Brain...I just imagined it all!!!!  LMAO

What do you mean you don't fish??? Then whats the Bait for??  :rotflmao:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:05 pm 
I much prefer lures over bait! More economical....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:00 am 
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While sleep walking to bathroom Steven Kaplan saw:

But thats my point ,,, SS IS realistic for JUST what this site is a KARAOKE site ...NOT a pro site....If you go to a pro site you can sing with backing tracks or karaoke tracks also & GET the "serious" ( I dont like using that b/c I am very serious & truthful with what I say on comments,I understand some may not be but innocent until proven guilty in my book) more "in depth" critique you desire. Its KARAOKE !! Its KARAOKE !! Its KARAOKE !! I dunno ...maybe someone from here serious enough about it could actually "create" another website for SS users to go to for that ??? I just dunno !

This is where my perspective differs Kelley.  When *I* listen to a person in the above venue.  I'm not listening for "Karaoke", "Karaoke" happens to be their backup band, but this is a VERY specific aspect of the activity.  Singer's Showcase to me and some others is just that, a venue within a Karaoke forum "SHOWCASING" the individuals singing.  You Critique THEM, not their accompaniment.  You RANK THEM, not their backup which just happens in this case to be Karaoke, BUT it doesn't need to be Karaoke backing in Singer's Showcase !   That's the thing..  People play their own instruments, CAN sing a cappella if they wish.  Play THEM SINGING along with their bands !!   The site although within a Karaoke site SHOWCASES the singer !!!  It's more critical for some for just that reason !!   If it's "just Karaoke" arguably rank and certainly Critique single out the individual as the show....In most cases however, the singers "backup band" is Karaoke.

:::::::::::::::::::sleep walks back to bed:::::::::::::::::::::

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