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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:01 pm 
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Tell him you gotta use the player, or the motor will freeze up from lack of use, or the dust will collect on the lens for the same reason....it's good to spin a cdg every now and then.....gives the puter a breather......gotta use it, or lose it......spinning a cdg is gonna be a lost art....... :)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 4:55 pm 
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Dear Miss ISIS,
First off let start off with the important issue here...
May I say your picture is strikingly beautiful and you deserve the compliment beit from me or not...lol.
Secondly, I weigh in on the side of righteousness here, in other owrds I don't beileve in duping or piracy, so my opinion, though beit is based on 17 years of karaoke alone, it may be slightly biased.
It is wrong run any show with illegally copies, although the truth of the matter is they are more than likelly going to after the big pockets, meaning your bar.
Ask any lawyer, although they can site anyone who knowing participated in aillegal operations, they usally leave the small fish in the pond.
When I started karaoke all those years ago, most citys had no policies concernin  karaoke, so for the most part they were considered as a jukebox venue.
The reasoning was that with a live band/DJ/comedians/magicians actually performed to a crowd and was the paid entertainment, thus license revenues were to be collected and rules and guidelines were set forth, now with karaoke, it was considered that it was NOT an entertainment that require a specific entertainer thus it was like a jukebox, the customer would select a song and would supply their own entertainment, thus falling under self entertainment.
Now that karaoke had become such big driving force in the entertainment world, many citys/state have adopted new codes and policies governing copyright laws and etc....
So the bottom line is. your question to be answered truthfully and honestly, yes there are some problems concerning running a show at this location but more than likely they won't bother with you.
Keep this in mind, they did go after the girls scouts for singing campfire songs, which were covered under the same rules as karaoke  and other musically related industry.
They do have the right  to confiscate any and all material or profits and benefits that they may say you obtained by running an illegal operation...
but again, are you too small for the government to worry about?
Bnly you can answer that one my friend...
Hopefully this helps you out a bit, although I suspect it made things worse...


Karaoke is supposed to be fun, if it isn't, then it's NOT KARAOKE.......

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 5:16 pm 
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You are so wrong Rodney...............she is more than just strikingly beautiful in that picture........and she is even more than, more than strikingly beautiful in person.....try to stay on topic will ya mr. bedroom eyes....... LMAO

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:02 pm 
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First things first... awwww!! Thank you Rodney!!!  Will you marry me when I divorce my next husband?? That is after I marry Johnny Reverb and divorce him....LOL    So I had to change my pic... Don't want people thinking such things....LOL

So I can tell you that when this show went digital it was all absolutely legal. Every CDG and regular song CD accounted for. All Disc have been taken and placed in pearl covers and put in boxes and are currently in storage. There is one off site copy of the hard drive that is not being used.   I know this to be true because our good friends Chuck and Gigi did this.  They are very honorable and honest people.  

My concern is the stuff that another KJ may put on there. Since the owner can account for over 900+ (I think) cdg's that are loaded on a single machine. I am doubtful that the 1% or less that the other guy puts on there would get us into any trouble.  Plus we could show that Gigi and I didn't put them on there based on the dates the songs were placed on the machine and out work scheduled

But I do have a new question....

If we buy a song online and we place it in the hard drive of the machine. How can we prove it is legal?? Would we save the receipt from the purchase and store with the CDG's?  And we would only buy from a place like Sound Choice because we know they are legal.

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:05 pm 
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OH!!!.. And I remember when they busted those Girls Scouts!! That was just CRAZY!!  Or the little girl that was downloading songs from napster or Limewire a couple of years ago.. I think they do things like that sometimes to scare people.

And did anyone hear about what Prince is doing??  I read he is suing You tube for his videos being on their site.

I guess I should stay on topic since this is my topic.... :D

Will sing or fish for food!!I'm not quite right!!

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:37 pm 
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they did go after the girls scouts for singing campfire songs, which were covered under the same rules as karaoke  and other musically related industry.

"Go After" ?  Or are you speaking of the 1996 request by ASCAP to collect a sum from larger summer camps (for routinely sung copyright protected non-public domain material they made a list of) however this NEVER materialized and in fact ASCAP claimed "We never intended on going after the girlscouts" (but since certain camps were also girlscout camps) they ended up making themselves look like jackasses. Reason being they couldn't exempt girlscout camps while asking other camps to pay royalties so this never materialized.

I think "Going after the girlscouts for singing America the Beautiful and Happy Birthday" has become an urban legend..  While those songs were on the list, I don't believe anything came to fruition.  The intent as I recall was to get large camps to also pay for music royalties since songs are routinely sung at these places.  The Girlscouts I don't recall were specifically targeted.  In fact I believe THEY are why ASCAP never succeeded, the girlscout org was cited to make ASCAP look like idiots.

Vague recollection,  I don't think there EVER was an ASCAP vs Girlscouts of America case.

Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:45 pm 
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No.....but them darn cookies cost more and more each year....I bet we're paying royalties to who ever came up with those stupid cookie names.....Thin Mints....oh how clever....Dos-i-dos....aint that a catchy tune....Trefoils....why not twofoils, or fourfoils....Samoas.....they had to make sure they seduced all fifty states....Tagalongs.....be nice to just  go some place by yourself once in awhile...Allabouts...is nothing sacred....Thanksalots...you betcha....Cafe cookies...oooooooo Eddie Gourme.....Little brownies...someone's bakin' brownies....Cartwheels....my stomach's turning them......and Lemonades, just leave me with a sour taste in my mouth...."does gotta little wang to it".......what's this post about anyway?......Kappy always f@^&s me up...... LOL

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