If you want to do stand up, why waste your time KJing? You never know who is actually in your crowd at any given time.
At a comedy club, everything goes, almost. Ask KRAMER.
Karaoke is a diffferent thing. I have one singer at one bar that feels it's his duty to F bomb everyone, because he chooses to sing a broadway song or something like that. F...you all, i'm singing this and F you. It's out of the context of the rest of the show. It always gets some dropped jaws. Said in front of the right person on the right night, it could be a problem for him. There are actually people out there (men) that don't talk like that and don't want their wife, girlfriend, mother...to be subjected to that.
Hip hop and rap music seem to have a disrespect for everyone. They don't discriminate with their lyrics.
I don't like it and i don't subject others to it either. It's like the smoker that wants to share (force) his bad, cancer causing habit with me. That's OK buddy, i'm going to shoot up here and you won't mind if i squirt some on you, will ya? I'm not forcing my crowd to endure something i don't like or care for or need.