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Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:01 pm |
When one KJ busts on another KJ the impression can be that the one KJ is scared of the competition, but there are two other hosts in this area that got me started and I love to death. There's another one that does a Thursday show and we prop each other when we show up at each other's shows.
I know my show is legit. I go for the experience ... mega lights, fog, and have been really conscience of my sound. I truly believe sound is the most important element to any show. People tell me all the time not to worry about this blowhard, but he's just so friggin' obnoxious he gives of a stench.
There's another KJ who's got a small system and has been modeling his shows on mine. He used to do the venue I do my Saturdays at. He got canned from the gig for killing the crowd. He's the kind that brings in his girlfriend and sister, and their friends, and they all just have the best time, and he kind of forgets sometimes that there are others wanting to sing too. I help him out when I can, I like him. I just got him a regular Saturday gig I couldn't commit to in the next town over. Shows like his aren't a threat, they make mine so much better.
Yeah, I think this dipweed is already done with Wednesdays here (I've had those to myself for 2.5 years). I know for certain tomorrow.
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Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:37 pm |
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Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2007 9:57 pm Posts: 514 Location: Watertown WI Been Liked: 0 time
Ive had dealings with a guy like this in madison. I will start to get some of his shows soon. He has 3 or more rigs and will do shows for dirt cheap just to get em. heck his show is even know as hak karaoke . (just add a "c"  ) . last i heard he was in jail, its hard to run shows from jail.
_________________ the voices arent real, but they have some good ideas
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Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:57 pm |
Joined: Wed Nov 05, 2008 7:52 pm Posts: 129 Location: nevada baby Been Liked: 0 time
well i'd hope that if they dont buy thei r library legit -wise that they'd put the money in the equipment but either way would u want to draw the attention to yourself int he end when the whip comes? i'll stay legit and have great sound n lights. i'll just do what i enjoy.
_________________ :angel:
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:27 am |
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Joined: Wed May 02, 2007 11:22 pm Posts: 303 Been Liked: 0 time
karyoker @ Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:27 am wrote: Bar owners are no longer impressed with amount of songs They listen to your system and are impressed when you have a good selection and add as customers request. Those types never did flourish here for the owners see through them. Multiriggers shows suck because they usually have mediocre systems and their library is seldom updated. I have no problem competing with them and the chances that they will replace me is slim to none. Masterblaster is familiar with this area and I bet you a dollar to a donut he knows who I am talking about. 
Yes, sir. I know exactly who you are talking about. No threat to me, either 
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:20 pm |
Ironically, Croakdog we have that guys twin brother here in S Fl. It must be a regional thing, ya know, the "Great Northwest", the not so great "Southeast"
He's run as many as 16 shows a week; right now he has 11. All of his rigs have just one speaker. He uses new KJ's that he trains to run his shows, so they're not expecting much in terms of $; they're happy they've become a KJ and enjoying themselves.
He advertises that everyone of his shows has the same exact 17,000++ tracks (unique songs), which appeals to those who like his shows. No matter where they go they know what to expect.
He's great at marketing and promoting and actually gets paid more, because he dazzles the owners/managers who are impressed with his success and dazzled by his bull.
His formula is so well perfected that he can replace a job pretty quickly when he loses one!
I have a particular gripe with him because he spoke to the owner where I had my very first karaoke job and talked him into replacing me. Three weeks later, he was gone. But, that's another story.
And while some of you hope that people like him who duplicate their libraries at least invest thee savings in good equipment - such an investment is NOT NECESSARY HERE IN S. Florida! See the following:
Quote: Per mckyj In Lauderdale, where my experience is less, it seems that there are a couple of decent clubs that appeal to older people. I have been to the Trotter Inn twice, and both times it was jammed to the rafters with people mostly older than my 54 years. And they were having a great time.
These all happen despite the less than perfect sonic experience which is common in SoFL.
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:22 pm |
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:23 pm |
Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:40 am Posts: 1094 Songs: 1 Location: West Palm Beach, FL Been Liked: 53 times
ericlater, are you talking about F.?
I hate that guy.
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:24 pm |
Joined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:40 am Posts: 1094 Songs: 1 Location: West Palm Beach, FL Been Liked: 53 times
 ok, you are.
I went to a couple of his show and my god, the quality of the equipment is a joke.
And when he started singing, I just left... it was that bad.
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:44 pm |
I was out bar hopping last night in town and stopped by the place that this idiot does the shows in town. I talked with one of the bartenders who works his shows and it appears as if they never signed a contract with him so he does the bare minimum (uses the house speakers, mixer, radically taped up mics, etc.) I guess if they agreed to sign a contract, he'd invest $500 of his own equipment to beef up the sound. I have no idea what the schnizzlestick that's about. He's not doing the Wednesday shows anymore, so it's Friday only. The bartender said no one likes him, so inquired why they keep him on and she said 'because there's nobody else around'. I run 'em all out of town I guess.
One girl that was listening to our conversation said that when she first met him she got an 'icky' feeling about him ...
I don't know why I even worry about this guy, he's a pudwacker!!!!!
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:49 pm |
Exactly! When we meet I'll tell you more. I don't want to commit more than published facts to writing, herein.
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:15 pm |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
I spent a few weeks in Boca Raton last winter and had the "pleasure" of going to a few of Frankieoke's shows. I was not impressed in the least. Some of his KJ's were very nice and ran fair rotations but Frank fancies himself a bit of a local celebrity and thinks people show up to see him in his many silly hats. His rotations seemed slanted toward people that lived in the area and who were regulars at his shows. He seemed to have no desire to treat tourists as welcome guests since they probably wouldn't be there very often. The only problem for me was that there were no other local shows advertising on the web, or in the local paper, for a person to find out about.
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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:07 pm |
Yep, silly hats. Never understood that, personally. And it seems that the KJ's a trained to change hats at least every 1/2 hr or so!
Ladies' man also. Doesn't hesitate to hit even on escorted women!
Celebrity? In his own mind. Personality -0-
And you put up with that for more than one show, Bruce?
Gosh, you're a masochist!
HOWEVER, HOWEVER to his credit, IMHO, he will not put anyone in the rotation if he knows that they are NOT spending money!
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Karen K
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:08 pm |
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:56 am Posts: 2621 Location: Canuck, eh. Been Liked: 0 time
Oh boy, two really good words to add to my vocabulary - schnizzlestick and pudwacker.... LOVE IT! Very, very descriptive and appropriate!
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Randy J
Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:19 pm |
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Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2008 6:22 pm Posts: 176 Location: Seattle-ish Been Liked: 0 time
There's a guy in my area (Seattle, east side) who brags right on his slips ... 75,000+ songs and 9 locations, 3 concurrent (that comes to $225,000.00 in music at $1 each)
He doesn't have many singers, but still... I would like to see him get caught.
I have all my receipts and discs.
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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:40 pm |
I am actually surprised you couldn't find more info about local S FL shows. There are a couple of websites, if nothing else!
Regardless, most of the available sources are out of date.
I'm thinking of putting together a reliable source but haven't the time now. Once I find the time and investigate the matter, and may find that it's impractical and/or unprofitable to set up such a source. I would probably do it if I just broke even, more or less!
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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:30 pm |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
I just googled karaoke Boca Raton and frankeoke's website popped up with numerous venues to check out. After asking a few questions, I just avoided the shows that were dome by Frank himself and drove all over the place to visit other shows on the list. Some of his employees were very nice and ran fair rotations while other shows of his were terrible and I avoided going back. I was there for a few weeks and ran into some people that told me about other shows in the area and I checked those out as well. No complaints to speak of at the other shows that I visited. Some karaoke people treat tourists no differently than their regular customers and those are the shows that I go back to over and over. I met some really nice people while in the area and wouldn't hesitate to go back there for a vacation again.
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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 9:50 pm |
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:12 am Posts: 394 Location: Seattle, Washington Been Liked: 0 time
BruceFan4Life @ Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:15 pm wrote: Some of his KJ's were very nice and ran fair rotations but Frank fancies himself a bit of a local celebrity and thinks people show up to see him in his many silly hats. Wow...jealous much?
We know that most bar owners aren't the most stable or loyal in the world when it comes to their entertainment. You're making them money? They're happy. You're not? You're out!
The simple fact is he wouldn't be getting all these gigs at all these venues unless he was (a) doing a great job of marketing (b) getting people in the door (c) getting people to spend money. The fact that he was the only karaoke show you could find on the web is testiment to that.
Say what you want about this guy's ego and silly hats. The fact is, he's gigging and getting paid for it! Too many karaoke shows are the same-old same-old with nothing unique about them. Sounds like this guy is onto something.
_________________ [font=Lucida Console]DangerousKaraoke.com[/font]
[font=Lucida Console]"Sing for the day, sing for the moment, sing for the time of your life!"[/font]
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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:11 pm |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
DangerousDanKaraoke @ November 28th 2008, 12:50 am wrote: BruceFan4Life @ Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:15 pm wrote: Some of his KJ's were very nice and ran fair rotations but Frank fancies himself a bit of a local celebrity and thinks people show up to see him in his many silly hats. Wow...jealous much? We know that most bar owners aren't the most stable or loyal in the world when it comes to their entertainment. You're making them money? They're happy. You're not? You're out! The simple fact is he wouldn't be getting all these gigs at all these venues unless he was (a) doing a great job of marketing (b) getting people in the door (c) getting people to spend money. The fact that he was the only karaoke show you could find on the web is testiment to that. Say what you want about this guy's ego and silly hats. The fact is, he's gigging and getting paid for it! Too many karaoke shows are the same-old same-old with nothing unique about them. Sounds like this guy is onto something.
First of all, I'm not a KJ so there is nothing to be jealous of. Secondly, I go to karaoke shows to sing and to hear other people sing; not to laugh at the KJ and his silly Cat in tha Hat Halloween costume(in January). If I want to laugh at someone, I'll go to a comedy club. You should go to his show when you get to Boca Raton someday and after you are skipped a couple of times and after you see the same people sing multiple times in each rotation; get back to us. You can give the guy the benefit of the doubt if you want to but you have nothing to base it on. I've been to his shows so I think my opinion carries a little more weight than yours does. I'm a customer who had a bad experience at his shows and word of mouth is a wonderful tool but it cuts in both directions. I'm sure his friends give him great word of mouth advertising because they get to sing out of turn. Is that a silly hat you're wearing in your avatar, Dangerous? 
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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:26 pm |
Joined: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:12 am Posts: 394 Location: Seattle, Washington Been Liked: 0 time
BruceFan4Life @ Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:11 pm wrote: Well, go to his show when you get to Boca Raton and after you are skipped a couple of times and after you see the same people sing multiple times in each rotation; get back to us. All I can say is if that were consistently true, he wouldn't be able to build a regular crowd which is what most karaoke shows depend on for longevity. Unless of course the venues in which he performs are strictly tourist venues. Still, I would imagine that anyone who is "skipped a couple of times" - especially if they're buying food and drink - would b!+ch to the manager in short order.
It seems that its tough for a KJ to put themselves in the place of an "average" customer when watching a karaoke show. Our knowledge of how shows are run negates any impartiality we might have.
And no, that's not a silly hat I'm wearing. It's actually an "Elvis wig" from when I was in a passenger talent show on a cruise I took with my wife. I don't wear costumes in my show but have been known to occasionally haul out some inflatable instruments to ape with. 
_________________ [font=Lucida Console]DangerousKaraoke.com[/font]
[font=Lucida Console]"Sing for the day, sing for the moment, sing for the time of your life!"[/font]
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Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 11:23 pm |
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Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
DangerousDanKaraoke @ November 28th 2008, 1:26 am wrote: BruceFan4Life @ Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:11 pm wrote: Well, go to his show when you get to Boca Raton and after you are skipped a couple of times and after you see the same people sing multiple times in each rotation; get back to us. All I can say is if that were consistently true, he wouldn't be able to build a regular crowd which is what most karaoke shows depend on for longevity. Unless of course the venues in which he performs are strictly tourist venues. Still, I would imagine that anyone who is "skipped a couple of times" - especially if they're buying food and drink - would b!+ch to the manager in short order. It seems that its tough for a KJ to put themselves in the place of an "average" customer when watching a karaoke show. Our knowledge of how shows are run negates any impartiality we might have. And no, that's not a silly hat I'm wearing. It's actually an "Elvis wig" from when I was in a passenger talent show on a cruise I took with my wife. I don't wear costumes in my show but have been known to occasionally haul out some inflatable instruments to ape with. 
Boca is a seasonal tourist area but I'm sure that they have plenty of people who live there all year round. I knew I wasn't going back to the place where I was skipped so I wasn't going to get into an argument with the KJ or the bar manager over it. None of the gigs that I went to were very crowded so it's very obvious when the same people keep singing. I've complained to some bar owners in the past and some of them have spoken to the KJ about skipping singers or taking bribes to move people up and some owners have acted as if they could care less about a fair rotation, as long as people were there buying drinks, especially in tourist areas. They feel that they get a mix of visitors on a regular basis so who cares about the visitors? They'd probably never come back one way or the other so why take their complaints seriously. I base whether I stay at the venue based on their reaction to my complaint. When they say it is the KJ's show and they can run it any way they choose to; my friends and I pay our tab and leave and go somewhere else to spend our money. Sometimes that may cause the owner to change his or her opinion for any future customer complaints but some owners just don't care one way or the other about the singers at their bar. They only care when the people stop coming and they have empty seats instead of a full bar. Even then, they don't always make the connection that people aren't returning because the KJ runs a lousy rotation.
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