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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 3:25 pm 
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Well, it's January now. What is your show schedule? Could you post a link to it here? You said you'd be back to having a full schedule in January. You said something about rotating shows on Sunday nights. Where are they? I like singing on Sundays to. I'm just a lowly singer looking for good venues to sing at. You might consider me a diva though so maybe that's why you keep your shows such a secret from me. Afraid I might give an honest critique of your shows? Are you another wizard? It's easy to brag about your equipment and number of shows if no one is gonna check on it. Will your Van with the good equipment get hit again on the night that I show up? :twisted:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 4:23 pm 
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Bob (Brucefan) is telling a truth, but it's not the WHOLE truth... there was a lot of noise on here and at the now defunct JOLTFORUM about what I did for a FEW singers on SingersShowcase a few years ago.

Once it became apparant that I was getting requests for not DISCONTINUED tracks, but ones that you could get from the retailers, I stopped helping my fellow singers.

I have not brought up this ANCIENT bit of trivia because Bob feels it appropriate to educate the masses, but to clarify Joe's statement that he has no knowledge of the incident. I wasn't going to address his attacks, but thought I'd make the point that I'm NO saint. I DID screw up. And I regret what I did. I had good intentions, and once it became a reality that people were using me as tbeir SOURCE, rather than buying the discs like I did, I stopped.

I have no idea if the original threads about this incident are still on the karaoke scene archives, nor do I care. I could also point out many of Mr. Benevide's faults as well, but I have no interest in this at all.

Joe, just don't respond to his crap. I haven't even BEEN on SingersShowcase in two or more years... it's just him bringing up the distant past in a vain effort to cast ANY doubt he possibly can.

My opinion is the same as ANYBODY that has one. MY OWN.

I never gave anybody I thought of as a "horrible" singer high praise (or even useless high praise, what is commonly known of on here as Fluff).

Bob is a singing perfectionist that at one time lost his ever lovin' mind when he started singing country, and in a joint cd recording effort another person said he was AVERAGE at this song, and another guy who admittedly was a pretty bad singer was given a SIMILAR rating for their songs... Bob couldn't handle this opinion that came from A COUPLE of different people.

So take his posts for WHAT they are WORTH.


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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:17 pm 
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I have a FEW people that regularly ask me for song files. I have never thought it would be easier to set up my own MIRC channel to make it easier for my friends or for myself to make these trades. When you're only trading files with a handful of people, e-mail works just fine. People who set up their own MIRC channels are sharing with EVERYONE, not a FEW people. Matt, as always is just trying to put his usual SPIN on things to try to look like an innocent bystander who got caught up in something that he had no control over.

As far as Matt's accusation that I have lost my mind, nothing could be further from the truth. As far as me being called an AVERAGE singer, I was fine with that. I never considered myself to be better than an average singer. I just don't think that people who are terrible singers should be told that they too, are also average when they couldn't be average on their best day. That being said, the person that Matt fluffs the most, which ruins his credibilty, is his wife; not some guy from the ancient past. Matt just has a problem with telling the truth. I seem to have a problem with NOT telling the truth. If someone is a horrible singer, I don't fluff them. Fluffing is lying, plain and simple. I've learned to keep most of my opinions about singers to myself but every now and again, when people are so far into denial, I need to bring them back to reality for a minute or two. A lot of people leave the Singers Showcase once they hear the truth from a few people or they stop getting tons of positive unwarranted comments. I'm sure that Matt left in an attempt at solidarity with his dear sweet wife. Matt is a very good singer. His wife, not so much. Do you see how I'm able to pay Matt a compliment, even though I don't like him personally? That is called honesty. Other people will tell good singers that they sing terribly just because they don't like their personality. That is the gang mentality that can sometimes permeate karaoke web sites. God forbid someone should give an honest critique of someone's singing that isn't a glowing revue. When that happens, the fluffers come out in droves to circle the wagons to protect the wounded fawn by attacking the other persons singing and anything else they can think of. This HONEST person is often labeled a TROLL for being a truthful person. LOL It wasn't more than a couple of weeks back that someone accused me of having an affinity for 250 pound women, as if there was something wrong with 250 pound women. They thought that they were insulting me but they were, in fact, insulting all HEAVY people. I believe they used the word, COW, in their description of these lovely large ladies. All because they don't like my opinions. LOL Nothing wrong with chubby folks, unless they can't sing their way out of a paper bag. After all, this is supposed to be a site about singing and not a weight watchers site.

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 10:58 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:25 pm wrote:
Well, it's January now. What is your show schedule? Could you post a link to it here? You said you'd be back to having a full schedule in January. You said something about rotating shows on Sunday nights. Where are they? I like singing on Sundays to. I'm just a lowly singer looking for good venues to sing at. You might consider me a diva though so maybe that's why you keep your shows such a secret from me. Afraid I might give an honest critique of your shows? Are you another wizard? It's easy to brag about your equipment and number of shows if no one is gonna check on it. Will your Van with the good equipment get hit again on the night that I show up? :twisted:

Interesting. You keep changing the subject- which is you, and your need to be hostile toward others.

First, in answer to your distraction: 1) I'll be happy to post a schedule when I have it. Let me get through the party season first. 2) You may wish to re-read every single one of my posts. I have never bragged about equipment, and with the exception of speakers or mics, I don't believe I have ever even mentioned a brand name. Too much debate fuel.

Getting back to you- You have my phone number. Why not show a set and dial it? To repeat, the best time to reach me is 12 pm - 4pm.

You see, I've heard you called a troll, and I truly don't believe that's the case. A troll stirs things up just to see what happens. I think that you just might be an unhappy person, and lash out at others to vent frustration. That's why I asked you to call. I'm a good listener.

BTW- I've read many of your comments in regard to others' equipment or expertise. You have yet to answer: Are you a Karaoke Host? If so, where and when? Under what name? If not, on what do you base your critique? At least one member has been to one of my shows, and the venue was as I described it (upscale).

You see Bruce, negativism is a two way street..... Maybe it would be best if you call.....I'll be here.

"No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:09 pm 
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Knight, I have no problem burning discontinued tracks- no royalties or fees are lost ( Though I tend to keep them for myself in most cases- adds exclusivity to the show :D ).

As for fluff, or anything anyone else does, true or not- no effect on me, no effect on Bruce, etc.... Why get worked up, and why flame on the forum? No purpose, except as a vent for some anger and frustration.

I urge people to understand that there may be other reasons foe Bruce's verbal assaults, and be a bit understanding. I truly don't believe that the things he complains about are the things that are really bothering him. I think that maybe he has no place else to go, and so releases his anger here.

As I said to him, I say to all: It's just an internet forum. Relax. Let it fly, and take nothing personally. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 11:18 pm 
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As far as a host I haven't met one yet that isn't going to tell a singer that they suck or didn't do a good job. That is part of hosting. A good host may help recommend a song that will fit a voice better than one they may not sound as good on, but other than that, it's about fun - if a singer is enjoying singing then so be it!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:19 am 
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Lonman @ January 2nd 2009, 2:18 am wrote:
As far as a host I haven't met one yet that isn't going to tell a singer that they suck or didn't do a good job. That is part of hosting. A good host may help recommend a song that will fit a voice better than one they may not sound as good on, but other than that, it's about fun - if a singer is enjoying singing then so be it!


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 2:45 am 
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BruceFan4Life @ Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:19 am wrote:



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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:49 am 
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One thing I can honestly say is Bob is NOT a liar. I've NEVER known him to tell a lie. I want that point made ABSOLUTELY clear.

Not in all the years I've been associated with him have I EVER believed him to be a liar. It's not in his genetic makeup, and those that know him personally can attest to this. What I CAN say is Bob feels honesty told brutally is appropriate, even when not asked for. Such freely given inappropriate honesty borders on the "trollish" behavior, and I have said that Bob IS a troll based on that. And yes, he will do it to stir up the waters, as he is doing by bringing up VERY dead subjects, all to make his point. He will also bring up such topics such as my wife's inability to not carry a tune, and I object to that. She gave up on arguing with him a long time ago, and refuses to engage in any sort of banter with the man, because she feels he's an a$$=whole! I don't feel Bob IS COMPLETELY this way, but do agree with her reasons for this judgement.

Ruthie is NOT under the belief that she's a great singer. BUT she has fun with it, and that's MY personal belief that is what karaoke is for. Bob and I have sparred over this one point probably the most. He feels that karaoke is for the GREAT and wonderful singers. I fell it's for anybody that wants to enjoy it. And yes, I WILL give honest opinions IF asked. My wife does that, as do many of my friends. I've pointed out sections, given advice on such, but have also pointed out I'm NO EXPERT on singing! All I can do is tell them what my ears, heart and soul says it is!

Likewise, I'm NOT a great singer. I occassionally have good songs, but in many cases, I warble, go flat, or flat out miss the mark. I have a couple that I think I do quite well... but I'd never seriously consider myself ANY kind of singer.

I'm a karaoke singer... I'm not even good in a chorus! I can't sing my tenor notes... I often harmonize when I'm not supposed to! LOL!

I've never said Ruthie (my wife) is a WONDERFUL singer. Yet she's not HORRIBLE either. I've heard MANY that are worse. I often tell her she was flat, and make many, MANY efforts to correct what is a consistant issue with her - she talks in one voice and TRIES to sing in another. Another that strains her vocal chords, and she often wonders why she's weak in areas of the songs... because she's not singing in HER voice!

Yet for all that, there are a few songs she truly sings QUITE well. I look forward to ALL of them (except for "Nobody" by Sylvia... I just abhor that song! LOL! I often feel people's eyes are on me when she sings it, almost as if she's dedicating the song to me! LOL!

Bob has NEVER heard ANY of those songs that I think Ruthie does well. The only recording she ever did that was submitted online was on a stupid $5 mic using Audacity (I think) for the recording software. She also recently submitted three tracks to a collaborative effort that are songs that are not in ANY of our strengths - Gender Benders. I'm unsure of (nor really care) if Bob B. heard these tracks. But even if he had, I don't think there were too many people who were really GOOD on those. I mean, EVERYONE that submitted a track on that collaborative disc effort just wasn't at their best! I found myself skipping over the tracks of nearly EVERYONE that submitted stuff.

Especially MINE. AND my wife's!

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:40 pm 
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"Bob and I have sparred over this one point probably the most. He feels that karaoke is for the GREAT and wonderful singers. I fell it's for anybody that wants to enjoy it"

I feel that karaoke is for everyone, GREAT and SMALL voices alike. I just don't believe in telling a MIDGET that he or she is a GIANT. It's that DISHONESTY that rubs me the wrong way. It's like giving EVERYONE a first place trophy. It devalues the trophy for the person who actually deserved to come in first place because the person who couldn't carry a tune walks around telling everyone about the FIRST PLACE TROPHY that he won. What good would winning an OSCAR be if they gave them to everyone? People should NOT be grading singing on some warped curve so that everyone gets an A+. Singing should NOT be a pass/fail situation where everyone gets a passing grade. Some people just aren't any good at it and sugar coating it doesn't help them at all. It just leads them to situations where they are embarrassed in publlic.....sort of like Elaine's dancing on Seinfeld. One of her friends should have told her that she was a lousy dancer before she made a fool of herself.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:23 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:40 pm wrote:
"Bob and I have sparred over this one point probably the most. He feels that karaoke is for the GREAT and wonderful singers. I fell it's for anybody that wants to enjoy it"

I feel that karaoke is for everyone, GREAT and SMALL voices alike. I just don't believe in telling a MIDGET that he or she is a GIANT. It's that DISHONESTY that rubs me the wrong way. It's like giving EVERYONE a first place trophy. It devalues the trophy for the person who actually deserved to come in first place because the person who couldn't carry a tune walks around telling everyone about the FIRST PLACE TROPHY that he won. What good would winning an OSCAR be if they gave them to everyone? People should NOT be grading singing on some warped curve so that everyone gets an A+. Singing should NOT be a pass/fail situation where everyone gets a passing grade. Some people just aren't any good at it and sugar coating it doesn't help them at all. It just leads them to situations where they are embarrassed in publlic.....sort of like Elaine's dancing on Seinfeld. One of her friends should have told her that she was a lousy dancer before she made a fool of herself.

Keeping in mind that "Elaine" was being paid for her performance, and should have been better, but karaoke singers are only fun-loving amateurs, I guess the question to be asked would then be the following:

If you owned a business and that business depended on you, as a Karaoke Host, how would you handle the following:

A first time singer nervously steps up to the mic and delivers a song. This singer couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but the crowd applauds her efforts. She turns to you, and with a nervous smile asks "How would YOU rate me as a singer?"

Your answer?

BTW: This is one of many reasons that I don't do contests..

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:45 pm 
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If your livelihood depends on Fluffing people, I say Fluff away. If she was singing in a contest, I'd give her a 1 on my score card. Karaoke venues tend to have a certain bell curve when it comes to singers. There are usually a couple of really bad singers at every show and a couple of really good singers as well. The rest of the singers are enjoyable to listen to but nothing to write home about. I can certainly understand that a HOST in that environment is trying to build up a following of singers, both good and bad, to keep the bartenders busy. He certainly isn't going to shoot himself in the foot by chasing away paying customers by telling them the truth.
Fluffing is almost a requirement of being a Karaoke Host if you want people to keep coming back to your shows but it isn't a requirement on line where no one's job is at stake. The only reason people Fluff so much online is for the sole purpose of getting some Fluff back in return. I had someone tell me that I stink yesterday on one of my songs on the Singers Showcase. Best comment I've received in years. I got a real kick out of it. People like that prove exactly what I'm talking about when it comes to honesty. If they don't like you, personally, they will lie about you to try to hurt your feelings. I don't get mad at people like that because I know what their motivation is. I have to laugh that I make them so angry that they have nothing better to do than to create a new account here just to bash my singing. LOL I just thank them for their opinion and move on. I'd rather tell someone that I like their singing, if I do, and then tell them that I think they are big hypocrite, like in Matt's case. I hope that answers your question.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:17 pm 
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Bruce and the rest:

If you feel very strongly about something, please make a new thread. What is being argued here by the 3 of you has not relationship to the original question by the OP.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 4:05 pm 
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Man talk about topic hijacking :P :P :P LOL

Actually I was wanting the disc for the "Rodeo Songs" and "Shaving Cream" since my rodeo song disc was scratched and I have a bad rip of it, and I don't have "Shaving Cream".

And it would be nice to have a couple of the other songs too.

Any who....I'll let all you crazies :roll: continue your rants LOL

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:43 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Fri Jan 02, 2009 12:40 pm wrote:
"Bob and I have sparred over this one point probably the most. He feels that karaoke is for the GREAT and wonderful singers. I fell it's for anybody that wants to enjoy it"

I feel that karaoke is for everyone, GREAT and SMALL voices alike. I just don't believe in telling a MIDGET that he or she is a GIANT. It's that DISHONESTY that rubs me the wrong way. It's like giving EVERYONE a first place trophy. It devalues the trophy for the person who actually deserved to come in first place because the person who couldn't carry a tune walks around telling everyone about the FIRST PLACE TROPHY that he won. What good would winning an OSCAR be if they gave them to everyone? People should NOT be grading singing on some warped curve so that everyone gets an A+. Singing should NOT be a pass/fail situation where everyone gets a passing grade. Some people just aren't any good at it and sugar coating it doesn't help them at all. It just leads them to situations where they are embarrassed in publlic.....sort of like Elaine's dancing on Seinfeld. One of her friends should have told her that she was a lousy dancer before she made a fool of herself.

What a bizarre series of rants. Someone needs to tighten whichever loose screw in you makes you go off like this.

And c'mon, it's just karaoke. Lighten the f**k up.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 8:57 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:40 pm wrote:
" It devalues the trophy for the person who actually deserved to come in first place because the person who couldn't carry a tune walks around telling everyone about the FIRST PLACE TROPHY that he won.

The person who REALLY comes in first is the person who has the most FUN.
You seem to have forgotten that.

BruceFan4Life @ Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:40 pm wrote:
People should NOT be grading singing on some warped curve so that everyone gets an A+. Singing should NOT be a pass/fail situation where everyone gets a passing grade. Some people just aren't any good at it and sugar coating it doesn't help them at all. It just leads them to situations where they are embarrassed in publlic.....sort of like Elaine's dancing on Seinfeld. One of her friends should have told her that she was a lousy dancer before she made a fool of herself.

Why "grade" them at all? It's about having FUN. And in your "Elaine" analogy, she had FUN while she was "dancing", so who cares? It's not hurting anyone.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:07 pm 
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ELAINE had fun while EVERYONE laughed at her behind her back. This will be my last post in this thread in respect of Jians request. If anyone wants to contuinue the debate, they can start a new thread. Personally, I think I've made my thoughts clear on the issue being discussed. Have a Happy New Year!

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