spotlightjr said:
Hey Staley,
Perhaps you should take another look at my original post. I'm not threatened by this other kj taking my show. The venue owner is happier than a puppy with two peters. My point was to ascertain whether or not it was kosher to promote her shows while at my venue.
And my point is that it doesn't really matter whether it's kosher or not does it?
Are you going to boot any KJ that does this out of the bar? Report them to management to have them booted out?
If so, what would the point be?
You're questioning whether another KJ should have some shred of integrity... when it comes to keeping a dying show or building a new one, you're talking about money at which time all integrity flys right out the window.
Is it "kosher?" Most look at it as not. However, from the other KJ's point of view, it's probably a matter of "guerilla marketing." Doesn't make it right though, because they're attempting to benefit of the labor of others -namely you.
Your security in your venue with the owner should by all means nullify anything this other KJ does or could possibly dream of doing... even in your room.
Besides, when this happens to me, I simply comment; "If they're so good, why are they here and not already working tonight?"
The fact that they ARE in your show is proof-positive that you have something they think is large enough to nibble on.
Do I think it's an underhanded, sneaky way thing to do trolling for customers at your show? Sort of. I would put it more in a category of just PLAIN LAZY on the part of the other KJ. They don't want to invest the time to build a decent show, they'd rather take a shortcut by wooing your singers.