Lonman @ Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:18 am wrote:
Nothing I saw would make me think it was a legal company to buy from.
That is a criteria that actually makes some sense, but a person could miss a number of very good deals if you maintain that posture for too long.
On the other hand, I am afraid that Dr Fred has "a bone to pick" with anyone who gets a good deal. AND it's almost as if he believes you are a "pirate" if you do accept a good deal.
Dr Fred
Post Re: Karaoke Star DVDs
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:26 pm wrote:
Why not just stop pretending and buy a $300 hard drive with 2 million songs. Ask the seller if it is legit first if that makes you feel better. Dont pretend to yourself that you are on a much higher plane than those KJs if you buy sets like the one at the start of the thread.
While only the most ignorant buyer would believe that any medium that contains tracks from a multitude of manufacturers would be legal, or that any medium that contains so many tracks could be legal, the most ignorant buyer WILL in fact tell you that he believes he legally owns the HD because he paid for it.
And I know pirates who just recently entered the business who have no hesitation to proudly tell people what they have in a way of an
OVERNIGHT library! And some Pirates, don't understand that you cannot multi-rig using copies of an original library. Yes, Fred, there are KJ's who are just THAT ignorant,
BUT you EXPECT every legitimate KJ to understand all of the licensing fees that go into producing a karaoke track? AND the profit margin, and the price breaks?
And you expect us to believe that YOU are fully up on and conversant in such matters, never having run a karaoke publishing company? I don't think so.
In my last post I stated:
In one instance, I bid $.01 on two CB disc and won the auction. It cost me $.01 plus $4.98 in shipping for those beauties! They surely must be counterfeit but I just can't see the evidence to prove that. Why was I the only bid? Hmm. I must have been the only one foolish enough to accept the possibility that I was getting a legitimate, legal, follow the law to the letter product in those two discs. Well, maybe they didn't follow the law. What do I know and how would I know?
And you replied:
And if you cant realize that you bought the CB disks for $5 each not $0.01, you really dont understand marketing.
1. Is there a problem with getting 2 CB's discs delivered for $2.50 per disc
2. Did I do something wrong by not having a degree in marketing or by not initially breaking down my delivered cost per disc?
3. The discs were offered with terms of
plus S&H
and the S&H was reasonable, unlike the S&H charged for most products purchased through those TV commercials. Does anyone feel differently?
4. As to understanding marketing:
a) one site with extremely reasonable prices charges $6.98 for S&H for the total order whether it is one disc or thirty! Now if I bought just
one disc, the price for that one disc could become unreasonable. But that's not always the case, either, because I have purchased discs from them for $1 that have I paid well over $10 for elsewhere!
b). And in situations when DooWop.com charges the same for their discs as the competitors, AND DOES NOT CHARGE S&H, what does that mean from a marketing perspective? Do you really believe, Fred, that you are NOT paying S&H?
5. And since it generally costs $2 to ship a karaoke disc and I paid $5 to ship the two I won on ebay for $.01, what is it about marketing, Fred, that I missed?
If you re-visit the thread I had started
What is "legal" - truly?, in my initial post I shared with the forum the discussion I had with CB about the legitimacy of the CB SCDG's that are being offered on the internet. Dr Fred was a contributor to that thread. Nonetheless, Dr Fred offered this in his previous post.
Dr Fred Post Re: Karaoke Star DVDs Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:26 pm wrote:
tovmod wrote:
And then there are the SCDG's of the CB Essential Vol 1-4, 2700 tracks for $110. Lone wolf got them for $69
now that would have to be illegal.
To reiterate from my discussion with CB, those SCDG discs were legally produced.
So, again, I think Dr Fred has a problem when anyone gets a good deal. And as CB told me if I purchase something in good faith I have little to be concerned with.
So, as I do, I'll continue to conduct myself in a manner that I believe reflects good faith.
I won't hold anyone else to my standards and I won't subscribe to another's standards.
If you re-visit my first post in that other thread I mentioned, you'll see that I questioned the legitimacy of a 3 disc set I had purchased on Ebay based upon criteria established by some on this forum. And the criteria that I employed that alerted me to the possibility that the set was not legit proved to be inaccurate after discussing the matter with Chartbuster directly.
Of course, if I just returned the merchandise and didn't speak with CB, Fred would tell me how I did the right thing based upon the overall "sniff test" ----- the appearance of the product and what I paid for what I got! Too good to be true!
And to repeat the Dr Fred post that appeared at the started of this post:
Dr Fred
Post Re: Karaoke Star DVDs
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:26 pm wrote:
Why not just stop pretending and buy a $300 hard drive with 2 million songs. Ask the seller if it is legit first if that makes you feel better. Dont pretend to yourself that you are on a much higher plane than those KJs if you buy sets like the one at the start of the thread.
That makes me wonder who it is that is truly holding themselves up to be on a higher plane?