natasha2010 @ Mon Dec 13, 2010 8:41 pm wrote:
One possibility for folk music, New Years Eve Party is to hire a DJ to perform at the party. It is a good choice because they tend to play a wide variety of dance music and is a master at reading the audience and what kind of music to appeal to them. Encourage public participation is another advantage of hiring a DJ. noise power should be considered a DJ. DJ has to decide whether to sign the agreement to ensure, in accordance with the rules.
Monir SiderNatasha2010. Let me get this straight. Are you saying that dj's are better than kj's because "they play a wide variety of dance music and is a master at reading the audience & they know what kind of music to play?" "Dj's can encourage crowd participation because of the noise power?
Well, excuuuussse meee! I'm in the wrong business!
. Sorry, I'm just teasing you.
But kidding aside, to quote someone I can't remember who / "You are entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts".
I'm guessing you took this wrong. Many DJs I know are karaoke hosts as well and are well versed at reading the crowd. In my opinion, any host who has half a brain and pays attention can read the crowd. I think that virtue is half nurtured and half nature. That's what I think!