BruceFan4Life wrote:
Well, It is HIS lawn.
I have posted about an actual instance where someone thought it would be just dandy to sing a vulgar song at a karaoke venue. When a number of people left that venue because of it; the KJ was fired for letting it happen and the person who sang it was banned from the bar. I guess the hotel management didn't think it belonged at their location.
Some people look for locations just like that one to exercise their rights of free speech. That person's freedom cost someone else their job and ruined quite a few people's evening. Are those the rights we're really fighting for? The right to make others uncomfortable in a public place? What a shame!
And this is why I have a conversation with the owners about what they will allow and what they won't. So far, they have all been very reasonable.
Bruce..... You seem to think that just because I allow it and defend it, that I also promote it and encourage it. Not true. I just don't say anything or print anything that says you can't sing bad words.
However, I must confess, that I do not filter curse words in the artists/titles of my song books. "
(@$%!) Control" is spelled out. I don't see the point of putting a bunch of *** in place of letters when people see it and say the word in their heads. There is no difference and it doesn't protect anyone from anything.
You also imply that people sing songs with evil, vile words that would straighten the hairs of your grandmas........armpits........every night and every song at my show. Also not true. We may go weeks with nary a bad word being sung. We may have a night where there is a bunch of it. You just never know. kinda like when someone kills the mood with a Bruce Springsteen song. It happens.