MorganLeFey @ September 24th 2008, 3:41 am wrote:
Singythingy thank you very much for such a kind comment, but as you can see its a lost cause trying to reason with some people and you will simply be accused of fluffing.
bwooose is simply a byproduct of some of the changes being made to the site by admin in the hope that it will keep undesirables out...sadly this undesirable was already in and like a cockroach, once you have them its jolly hard to get rid of them
Oh the HYPOCRISY !!!!

. It really does amaze me how on a singing site it is a Mortal Sin to have a negative opinion about someone's singing ability but it apparently is extremely acceptable for people to accuse others of needing drugs to correct their personalities. It is also acceptable to try to disparage a person's upbringing as well, and last but not least, it is apparently acceptable to lable people as cockroaches but not as bad singers. HELL!! It's even acceptable on this site to tell someone that they spend too much time "wanking" themselves because they had an inattentive mother who didn't fix a hole in his pocket..... but don't you dare talk about someone's singing ability or lack thereof.

At least Fluffer has a nice ring to it and everyone knows what it means. If you are unwilling to Fluff, you are considered an undesirable. I guess that means liars are more desirable than people who tell the truth around here according to the resident wannabe witch...... but then witches aren't usually considered to be very nice entities. What an aspiration it must be to be considered a witch!

No wonder they used to burn them at the stake? Too bad Buffy the Vampire slayer didn't hunt down any witches in her spare time.