oneofakind864 @ Wed 24 Jun, 2009 wrote:
it would be nice to think so Joyce...but looking at my husbands corporate world, and my entertainment one...and remembering when I waited tables...and before that just seems to be human nature to want to open up...just as it's human nature to be competitive...and human nature to take sides...and unfortunately human nature to sometimes hurt each other.
I don't think God intended us to be this way...but that;s what happens when we exercise "free will" I see the same sniping, gossip, yada yada in almost every situation I've ever been exposed to...even church! So I don't think it would change if we all were face to might temper how we interact with a little real friendship and affection if we were all in those everyday situations - but the same old would probably still be there. To be honest- working through bad times similar to what Vik and Perry had going here- has more often than not- cemented a pretty darn good foundation for a real "friendship" ...even with my husband- working through the crap has made us stronger. i think the term "fairweather friend" got it's start in something like this. It's easy to be friends and supportive as long as times are great and everyone agrees...but when 2 people can work through a disagreement- and either "agree to disagree" or acknowledge that both sides are valid...THAT is what REAL friendship is all about.
By that same token- (IMHO) It's also why there is so much fluffin in the SS- it takes 10 times more effort to be honest and critical in a constructive way than it does to fluff. People who take time to actually listen and give in depth "constructive" critiques deserve an extra pat on the back for their efforts. Think about how hard it is to tell someone that you "didn't like" something they sung...but do it in a way that makes them want to improve instead of lashing's HARD. I've seen you do it though...isn't it much more time consuming than just fluffin? I'd like to think Vik and perry were just "being honest with each other" and calling it like they saw it...doesn't make either one more right than the other...just "differing in their views" Nuttin wrong with DID make for some interesting reading though didin't it? (wink wink)
Perry- glad to hear you and Vik stopped the about that spankin (evil grin and menacing cackle)
Actually Paula, I started the whole thing with my paranoid inuendo.
Instead of being a man and stepping up to the plate about whatever the problem was, I kept making eroneous assumptions with child like behavior.....never really getting down to the facts.
I could see where Vicki or anyone else would feel obliged to call it like it is.
Yes, I'm a peckerhead.
As far as being "friends", I'm not sure that "anyone" here can claim to be friends. We are internet acquaintences. And just that description implies that there is no real intimacy involved. We were all here for listen, to be listened share what we all have in common. We are a unique breed of "individuals" who find solice in groups. Kinda like the Harley-Davidson phenomenon. All about image. Like hey, I don't have a bike right now, but I want one, so for now, I'll just buy some boots and a t-shirt or two, maybe a window sticker for my pickup I'm somebody.....part of a group? Bwwwwaaaaaa.
Everyone wants to fit in somewhere.....preferably where like minded people congregate.
I think karaoke is tatooed on my a$$ now, but a new bike will probably never be in my garage.
So now, who wants to be my "karaoke chick"?