SwingcatKurt @ Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:34 pm wrote:
So lets see.............Lonnie get 5-10 discs a night.
Lets assume average is 5.
So 5 custie discs, and lets assume that each custie is with a party of 4. So thats now 20 people present in the bar. Now lets assume that they each buy 2 mixed drinks at 5$ each. (and at Lonnies place, the times Ive been there many of the guests were ordering dinners of one sort or another, so you can add food revenue also).
So lets see 20 peeps X 2 drinks each X 5$ a pop........that comes up to a GRAND TOTAL of....................$200 a night revenue to the bar based upon an average 5 people with discs bringing a party of 4.
So figure 5 nights a week X 200 a night=$1000 a week.
$1000 a week X 4 weeks=$4000 a month based upon 5 discs a night.
To alot of bars that aint chump change. And in alot of situations that could be the bar's NET PROFIT FOR THE MONTH.
Are you so quick to write off the amount of revenue that you may potentially be driving away from your bar owner's bottom line?
I wonder if HE is aware of it??
And this kind of DISSERVICE that may be happening to HIM??
I wonder how happy the owners would be if they knew of the potential results of the KJ turning people's discs away?
Not to mention the fact that the discs the customer brings in are just more music the KJ doesn't need to buy themselves. Seems like a win win to me.