Lone Wolf wrote:
Anybody watching Revolution? I'm sure that if that were to really happen nobody would worry about paying any outstanding bills.
I have been watching it. I keep hoping it will get better, but something is missing. It's follows the JJ Abrams standard story arc though, just like LOST and his others:
Average Episode:
Person 1 - "I am going ahead into the woods/dark building/mysterious temple"
Person 2 - "I am going with you because you are my parent/child/old friend/former lover!"
Person 1 - "No! I forbid it! I am going alone because I am a moody loner and/or mysterious stranger!
Person 2 - <Pout/Cry> (I will follow anyway a few hundred yards behind because I am hardheaded/spunky/have secret knowledge!)
Person 1 - "Oh No! I am being attacked by animals/machines/evildoers!"
Person 2 - "I will save/distract them from the bushes/trees/nearby tower!"
Person 1 - "Wow you saved my life and the object critical to the plotline!"
Person 2 - "Good thing I followed you, huh? (smirk) (Group hug)"
<Repeat next week>