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Masterblasters Break
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Author:  karyoker [ Sat Jul 14, 2007 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Masterblasters Break

Ok I got a KJ in Denver that wants to see other shows The 28th we have the yearly farm party which I invited him to. He says he cant come because he has 5 gigs a week!!!
Ok here is the deal We gotta get this guy outa town and relax for a weekend!!! LMAO
At my age I cant do 5 gigs a week LMAO
How many here think he should get somebody to cover for him and go up to Wellington?
Help me into talking him into coming up LMAO

Author:  Foxe [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Masterblasters Break


obviously he should go out and just let himself go for just one night to RELAX and leave the worrying about song lists and rotations up to someone else for a change!!!

It's like a spa treatment for a massage therapist!...  a night of karaoke where the main objective is a KJ is the KARAOKEOR! no complaints.. no whining.. drivling..

umm.. unless of course THEY do the complaining .. whining.. and drivling lol...  it's SOMEONE ELSE's PROBLEM for the night :)

Your main mission MB.. is to have FUN.. LOTS OF IT!!! sing songs you'd never sing.. and just let loose!!! :)

Author:  masterblaster [ Sun Jul 15, 2007 3:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Masterblasters Break

Oh, how I wish it was that simple. I'd LOVE to be able to come, but I just don't see how I could do it. I'm training someone new at the moment, just for instances like this, but he is brand new at this. There's no way he will be ready by then. I can't in good conscience put someone in to host solo until they're ready. I can't risk my reputation, especially since the Sat gig is at a venue I've only been at for a month (the one with the nasty acoustic problem).

My only other option would be to get another KJ from the area to cover that night, but I'm leery of that. Since I almost never get to go to other shows, I don't really know any that I could trust. The one time I tried that, the KJ I got created some serious problems. He spent more time hanging out with his girlfriend than hosting properly, and he was telling MY singers that they could only sing if they gave him a tip!!! I had to do some serious damage control after that one.

My other employee has another job weekend nights, so he can't do it either.

I'll keep trying to come up with a solution. I've still got 13 days.


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