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Recording singers on computer
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Author:  homeplateBG [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Recording singers on computer

This topic may have been touched on before.  I run a computerized karaoke show and am considering recording singers.  

Has anyone had success in doing so?  What kind of setup options exist?  I used a Behringer mixer and have a DVD/CD burner on my computer.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording singers on computer

It's been a while since I've KJed a bar, but for private parties, I run my mixer record out to a cd recorder(they're cheap, and you could even use a DVD recorder). I use a RW reusable, or just a rw cd to give it to them on the spot. Can also hook up a video camera to dvd recorder.....done that a few times..... :)

Author:  exweedfarmer [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording singers on computer

Of course, you're not going to get a studio quality recording except in a studio.  You're not going to get a good live mix because the KJ can't really hear the mix minus the room acoustics.  So, if you're willing to put up with all that most quality hosting software has a built-in recording feature which ususally consists of a button that says "Record."  Nothing fancy but it works.  Tape-out on the mixer to line-in on the sound card, play with the levels a bit and you should be good to go.

Author:  eben [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording singers on computer

Don't want to beat the dead horse here but what you want to do may not be legal. Any copyrighted material can not be used to record people singing with the music in the background without permission from BMI, etc. Even if you are giving it away, if you have a business, I would be very careful about doing something like that unless you have a license to do it.

Author:  homeplateBG [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording singers on computer

Yep, you're beating a dead horse.  I was asking how to record singers, not if it's legal to do so.  The fact that I've format shifted to my computer is tripping the light illegal already.

Author:  Jian [ Mon Jul 16, 2007 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording singers on computer

You can always use the computer that you are hosting to record.

Author:  homeplateBG [ Tue Jul 17, 2007 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording singers on computer

I would never have thought of that.  (insert 'quit being a jackass Croak').  When asking how to, I'm hoping for something like exweedfarmer submitted "Tape-out on the mixer to line-in on the sound card, play with the levels a bit and you should be good to go." coupled with a recommended software solution.  

Do people post in these forums just to increase their points?

Author:  bigjim56 [ Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording singers on computer

I use CompuHost for my KJ software and it has a recording button right on the front panel for the recording of singers. I have not used it yet, but I will. I've got some singers that sing very well and have offered to make their recordings for them for their personal use only. There is a recording feature in Windows Media Player and I believe Nero, along with a seperate sound recording option control in the Control panel of your windows program. Playing with these options should allow you to do what you want.


Author:  homeplateBG [ Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording singers on computer

Thanks BJ!

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