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Howdy From Texas
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Author:  Murlinman [ Wed Jul 18, 2007 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Howdy From Texas

Howdy Everyone.   :wave:   About a month ago, I got bitten by the karaoke bug.  I am having so much fun with my machine at home. I have never tried karaoke before, but love music of all kinds.

Although I have only sang in public a couple times, it was enough to get me hooked and I have been practicing like crazy.  But I am very nervous and it is hard for me to sing in front of people.  Getting over the jitters, seems to be the hardest part for me.

I have been learning how to do recording and I am also having fun with that as well.
I have a few songs on YouTube if you search Murlinman.

This is also my first time on a Karaoke Forum.

Seems like a very fun place.

Is there any advice anyone can give on how to overcome being so nervous when you sing in front of people?



Author:  Isis [ Wed Jul 18, 2007 7:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Howdy From Texas

Welcome!! I am from Texas too.. I'm in the DFW area. When I first started to sing in front of people I would shake like crazy and then I found the power of alcohol. LOL.  It helped a lot. and then I decided I was drinking too much so I stopped drinking and it wasn't so bad. and now I am just used to it.  I prefer to sing without drinking now....  


Author:  karyoker [ Wed Jul 18, 2007 10:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Howdy From Texas

Howdy I dont know i know if I have ever sang in Texas The one time I might have I dont know if we were in El Paso or Jaurez LOL

Author:  Babs [ Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Howdy From Texas

Welcome to the site  :wave:

Author:  Tinkermom [ Sun Jul 22, 2007 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Howdy From Texas

Hi from San Diego.  You sound like me a couple years ago.  When I go "bitten" by the karaoke bug, I was voracious about it. I bought hundreds of disks (mostly sets and second-hand collections) and sang and sang and sang.  It really is addicting.

As for stage fright, I too was terrified in front of the audience. My hands would shake so bad sometimes that I had to sing with the mic in the mic stand. But there is hope. I got so frustrated that I decided to just step outside the box and sing everywhere, and I mean everywhere: The grocery store, Wal*Mart, the mall, Disneyland (at least a monthly trip), at friend's and family's houses, on my evening walks. At first I was a little embarrassed but there did come a time when I started to not care and just sang. Now, I'm not singing at the top of my lungs. I'm singing softly to myself but enough for people close to me to hear.  I'm still nervous but it is getting better.

Also, get out there and sing at the karaoke venues as much as you can. I stuck to one familiar place for about the first six months. Then one day I realised I wasn't nervous anymore. So now I'm venturing to new places. It is definately making a difference.

And, yes, alcohol does help. Never underestimate the power of liquid courage. One shot every hour to hour and a half (plus a tall glass of water per shot to combat the hangover) usually does it for me.   :drunk:

And last but not least, when you're singing in public, take note of all the other nervous singers and people's reactions to them. You'll probably notice nobody's laughing or being mean. That helped me too.

These of course are just my own suggestions but they're working for me.

Have fun and welcome to the crazy world of karaoke.  Hope to see you around the boards!! :wave:

Author:  Murlinman [ Tue Jul 24, 2007 5:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Howdy From Texas

Thanks for the warm welcome  :handshake: .

They have pretty good Karaoke clubs around my area and there is something happening almost every night.

I guess finding the songs that fit your vocal range is on the "to do " list fer sure... :yes:

My problem is, I want to do the songs I like, and they tend to be slightly above meh range and difficulty level....


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