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Ruining it
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Author:  Tom Eaton [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Ruining it

I had a disappointing performance the other night.  No, not that, I meant while singing.

I did a song that went really well for 90% of the time.  The KJ's sound system is very good (wish I could say the same for his songbook, but never mind) and I was killing 'em even if I do say so myself.  And then...

There was one line in each verse that was too high for me.  I tried to reach it, but didn't come close.  Some horrible squeaking noise came out.  Both verses.  I'm not even sure I got the words out.  It was cringe-inducing stuff.  It was like going from heaven to hell in the space of three notes.

I felt more disappointed than embarrassed, which is nice because if I had any shame I'd never be able to show my face in that place again.  

Anyone ever experience something like that?

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

 No, not that, I meant while singing.


I was going to say at least you got to step up to the bat !

Author:  Magz [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

Tom Eaton @ 8/4/2007 wrote:
I felt more disappointed than embarrassed, which is nice because if I had any shame I'd never be able to show my face in that place again.  

No way, it is now a moral imperative... you HAVE to redeem yourself! May I reccommend Stayin Alive by the Bee Gees and a swift kick to the nether regions about 5 minutes prior to taking stage.

You'll knock em dead

Hope kids aren't important at this point :)

Author:  P Tucker [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

LMAO  Tom. No big deal man... LOL  
If I counted how many times I've ever choked, I'd never try again. LOL

All I can say is practice, practice, practice..... LOL

You need to go back and show'em you were just having a bad night before. :yes:  :wave:

Author:  knightshow [ Sat Aug 04, 2007 8:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

Tom, I feel ya m'man!

One of the absolute worst times I've ever had was singing a song that was a nutbuster to begin with, and right at the first note, I told myself, "oh man, this is gonna be soooo crappy!"... and then ANTICIPATING when the serious notes were gonna be there. Like a trainwreck, I just sat there with widening eyes, a fever sweat breaking out on my forehead, and the sheer thought that everyone that was paying attention was going to do their "wince" face!

Ahhh, the life of karaoke!

Author:  TOMMIE TUNES [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

Some factors I've noticed about voice quality, have alot to do with the temperature of the room, if it is heavily air conditioned and cold, or very smoky it seems to me to dry the vocal chords out resulting in subpar performance, to compensate for that i usually drop songs one half step. Did anyone ever notice how you can sail to notes in hot , humid confines of the shower? :read:

Author:  jdmeister [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

That's every time..  LMAO

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

TOMMIE TUNES @ Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:03 am wrote:
Did anyone ever notice how you can sail to notes in hot , humid confines of the shower? :read:

Umm... TRYING really hard to keep my thoughts on track:) Yeah.. I've noticed.  :D

No, seriously, I never ever sing in the shower. I've always heard a lot of people talk about that, but that's never been a habit of mine. For me, songs are usually practiced driving down the road in my car. (when it comes to *seeing if I'm gonna be able to hit that note*) Gosh knows if I really do or not, with my radio blared who can tell, but it gives me some idea anyhow.

In public I usually wont try something that is TOO "out there" for me. (atleast, not sober... when I'm drunk I can sing literally ANYthing)  LMAO  

But I've, of course, sang songs and immediately thought "oh shyt, that was horrible"..... then I mope about it, then I make sure my next song is one I personally feel I can redeem myself on. I would never ever let a song that I thought I didn't do okay on be my last one of the night.

But, it's karaoke, I've heard some of our really good locals choose a song that made ya cringe... everybody, I think, realizes that we all have good days and bad days, good songs and bad songs.

Atleast you knew it:) Nothing is worse than a singer who screeches out a song in a horrible manner, then struts off stage thinkin' they were da bomb... and does another just like it on their next round.  LOL


Author:  Odie [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

Once I was asked to sing "A Hard Days Night" at Denny's.  I scanned through the first part of the song quickly in my head and thought OK I can do this.  Well I did the song, but I had forgotten about Paul's section of "when I'm home, everything seems to right......".  Needless to say some of those high notes were mangled a bit!  LOL  You gotta make sure you know what you're getting into. Most songs seem to have "that hard part".

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

Ive found it depends greatly if Im used to the sound system im singing on. IE: if its the first time at a place its often very difficult to hit particluar notes or even catch my groove if the system sounds strange to me. This occurs frequently as Im almost always trying out sombody elses system. It greatly effects the singing performance not know just how the system is going to to sound---too much voice-not enough bass, etc etc. It can be very distracting and inhibiting to the performance when geting up cold and not knowing how I will be sounding on a particular system.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

SwingcatKurt @ Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:48 pm wrote:
Ive found it depends greatly if Im used to the sound system im singing on. IE: if its the first time at a place its often very difficult to hit particluar notes or even catch my groove if the system sounds strange to me. This occurs frequently as Im almost always trying out sombody elses system. It greatly effects the singing performance not know just how the system is going to to sound---too much voice-not enough bass, etc etc. It can be very distracting and inhibiting to the performance when geting up cold and not knowing how I will be sounding on a particular system.

I especially have problems when either 1) I can't hear myself well, or 2) have phlegm in my throat.

I suffer from phlegm especially in allergy season, since it is hard to stay hydrated and warmed up in a karaoke situation. Often there is a long break between warmup and performance, and it is hard to stay relaxed and ready to go. When I have that crud up there, my confidence goes south real fast.

Author:  Dennisgb [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

I am a "perfectionist" in performing a song. If I can't do it I won't.

I make up disks with the actual song by the artist, and then the karaoke music following. Generally I have two or three disks with 8 - 10 songs on each that I want to learn. I listen to them while driving...and practice. If I can't do it in the truck, it never makes it to the stage.

I'm always adding songs to my songlist. Out of those 16 to 20 songs I practice, most times only 5 make it to the stage. I rotate disks every few weeks and pick new songs. That way most nights I have a couple of songs that no-one has heard me sing. Lots of times I pick songs that the audience has suggested, or something new that I like. My personal songlist is probably in the range of 600 songs.

I was told many years ago by a vocal teacher/trainer, that everyone has one note in their vocal range that they can't hit...or that wavers when you try to hit it. If you pick a song that you think you can sing, and have a note that you think you can hit but can't...that's the one.  :D

Author:  Melinda [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

I was once dared to sing "All Jacked Up" which is a song that is totally out of my usual style.  Some of those low notes came out sounding like a croaking frog or something.  LOL  I couldn't hit them at all.  Being a bit more jacked up may have helped matters.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

I find if I eat Mexican, or Chinese food(especially with MSG).....it messes me up. I like mozzarella sticks or cheese pizza "if" I eat during karaoke.....I think what you eat for dinner can have an effect on your singing during the night. Have you ever done that little side turn with your head, fist covering your mouth to cover a belch while singing..... LOL ....and try to make it look cool...... :)

Author:  karaoke for food..... [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 8:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

Phlegm, belching, beer...oh my microphone!!!! LMAO

Author:  Babs [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

LMAO I've cracked, berped, squeaked, coughed and choked while singing. Sometimes on purpose. LMAO  It's karaoke - made to just have fun.

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

ROFLMFAO!   You guys are too much! Dairy products form a coating on most peoples throats that results in phlegm...I avoid anything dairy before I sing. Candy like caramel or chocolate also does this to me. Sometimes in a cold freon cooled room I get that urge to cough when I inhale quickly as you have to while singing. My secreat weapon is Grand Marnier! Dissolves the coating from sweet or dairy foods and gets rid of Phlegm. Also offers a comfort to irritated sinuses in a cold or smoky room.

Lowering your song is also a good solution- but you have to have practiced it to know what key you do it in and know your throat enough to know when you need to lower.

Burping...well thats tough. Can't say I've ever done that on the mic- but the only thing that makes me do that is carbonation- which I also avoid when I have to sing.

But even wth all the care and foresight in the world you're still gonna have a few notes that for whatever reason just don't come out "perfectly" ever so often- laugh it off and redeem your self as Charmin said with your next song. The crowd will love your ease with them and your ability to laugh at yourself.

And always remember that most people listening WANT you to do well- they aren't listening to see if you miss a note or breathe in the wrong place. They will support you. If you have a good time- they will too. If you screw it up- it isn't the end of the world- they have screwed up too and will sympathise with you. So order up some gran-ma and have a good time!  :dancin:

Author:  atxklown [ Tue Aug 07, 2007 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

Its karaoke there can be hit or misses, and there are a lot of misses being sung.  The perfectionists are just along the line with the could be betterists.  I go through different ranges some I know I can't get, but if I don't sing it for my own enjoyment, there won't be anyone else to sing that song so I might enjoy it.   That and I probably have the song and not the KJ because I do like that song.    I like a lady's song, but rather than finding some skirt signing up with that song, I'll just faux falsetto the fem rock.

Author:  TripleDiamonds [ Sun Aug 12, 2007 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ruining it

Dennisgb @ Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:53 pm wrote:

I make up disks with the actual song by the artist, and then the karaoke music following. I listen to them while driving...and practice. If I can't do it in the truck, it never makes it to the stage.

I'm always adding songs to my songlist. Out of those 16 to 20 songs I practice, most times only 5 make it to the stage. I rotate disks every few weeks and pick new songs. That way most nights I have a couple of songs that no-one has heard me sing.   :D

What a great idea. I do my best practicing in the car. (When I don't have my carpool partner...and sometimes when I do, because he's one of the karaoke gang.)

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