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It wasn't funny at the time
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Author:  LondonLive [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  It wasn't funny at the time

Have any short stories related to experiences over the years related to your music?

I remember about 3 or 4 days ago, winter of 1975 I think. This is back when I was doing the road band thing. We were on our way back from doing a gig in Detroit travelling along I94 in our trusty ole school bus that had been converted to a luxury motor home for travelling LOL ( I think we had left six seats in it, the rest of the space was used for equipment, nothing was small back then) Anyway, it's like 4AM with very little traffic and the bus just sputters and die's. The battery had fallen over and lost most of the acid. So it's cold, it's dark, and AAA was nowhere in sight. We righted the battery and used empty beer bottles(we were sure lucky to have those empty beer bottles along, not sure where they came from) to retrieve water from puddles that were in the median of the expressway. We finally got the battery refilled and luckily we were facing down a hill so it didn't take a lot of pushing to get the bus started again. It sure must have been a sight to cars driving by to see those long haired guys running around in stage cloths with the beer bottles at 4AM. I'm sure we sparked some conversations and I'm sure if the State Police would have happened by we would have had some explaining to do.

Author:  johnny reverb [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It wasn't funny at the time

In 1975, that was a normal event.....just another sh!tty day in 70's paradise.... LOL ........sure, it would be looked upon differently today...... :no:

Author:  LondonLive [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It wasn't funny at the time

johnny reverb @ Wed Aug 08, 2007 12:58 pm wrote:
In 1975, that was a normal event.....just another sh!tty day in 70's paradise.... LOL ........sure, it would be looked upon differently today...... :no:

Ah yes, life was far more fun back in the day before the era of being politically correct.

Maybe it would be funny if it would have been the Partridge Family bus and it was Danny running around with the beer bottle, oh wait, I think I seen that episode. :hi5:

Author:  Babs [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It wasn't funny at the time

Oh I have a few of these stories.

We had a guitar player who thought he was Van halen.  LMAO He jumped off his plat form and his guitar cord didn't reach. He pulled his amp off the stand and ripped his pants from front to back. Not to mention a loud squealing noise followed by a thud.  LMAO

Next story - I think it was a Cars song we used to play that the band would stop playing and the synthesizer would play a declining sound, then the band would start up again. The bass player had his synthesizer set, so all he had to do was hit one key and the sound effect would start. Well the band stopped on cue, the bass player hit the key and instead of the sythesizer playing the sound effect a small dink noise was heard then his voice saying "Awww F-ck !". Then the band started playing like they were supposed to. Yikes that was embarrassing. The funny part is the band didn't miss a note like it was supposed to happen that way.

Last story, promise- Our band was called "Directions". Not very imaginative I know.
Anyway we were doing a college gig. We had to travel a couple of hours away to the University of Illinois. We had a truck that looked sort of like a U-Haul, but plain, so we had banners made for the sides of the truck that said our name "Directions" in huge letters. We're not sure exactly when it happened, but the "D" fell off of the banner. People were honking and waving. We thought cool, it must be fans. Nope ! Just people laughing at the fact our truck said " IRECTIONS" on it.

Author:  LondonLive [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: It wasn't funny at the time

Babs, I sure can relate to those, well, maybe not the last story LOL . Ahhh the good ole days eh. Old band names, I'll have to think on some of those.

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