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Gazebo Karaoke
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Author:  karyoker [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Gazebo Karaoke

Mikes comments in another thread prompted this. Outdoor karaoke in public surprises non bar goers for they dont know the quality of systems now. It dispells the theory that karaoke is just a bunch of drunks making fools of themselves. It is more of a family type setting and gets kids interested. Then they get a home system and the more that have home systems will be a bigger customer base down the road. It also attracts people to your shows. These are only a few benefits there are many more. Last 4th of July on the way to the hotdog stand I ran into the entertainment director I think next year we will setup in the park..

One of the best non alcohol gigs I had was at an AA party..  LMAO Volunteer every now and then to do an old folks home...It is very satisfying......

Author:  Babs [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

Good PR is always a great thing. I think corrupting our young children in this way is wholey possitive.  LMAO

Author:  jdmeister [ Thu Sep 13, 2007 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

Sing on brother..

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Fri Sep 14, 2007 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

One of the best non alcohol gigs I had was at an AA party..

That's because AA is where most of we musicians end up at one point or another.

Author:  lordairgtar [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

But what can be more annoying than having to sit through little Mary standing there not singing a word into the mic while you have to listen to some lame Britney sound track?

Author:  Catseyeview [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

lordairgtar @ Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:37 am wrote:
But what can be more annoying than having to sit through little Mary standing there not singing a word into the mic while you have to listen to some lame Britney sound track?

It's very surprising how many of these types singers you DON'T see.  Personally I love doing family shows, I have a great time with the kids.

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 9:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

I have had regs as young as 5 years old He wasnt bashful one bit!!! I never knew whether to hug him or treat him like any other singer!!!

Author:  Mark Cheetah [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

I love outdoor shows... you can really crank the volume & not worry about feedback.  Singing without alcohol is a refershing change, too!

Author:  Catseyeview [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

Mark Cheetah @ Sun Sep 16, 2007 2:30 pm wrote:
I love outdoor shows... you can really crank the volume & not worry about feedback.  Singing without alcohol is a refershing change, too!

That's funny coz I VERY rarely drink when I'm singing--alcohol dehydrates, especially the throat.  Granted the scratchy thang works great with certain types of songs but my voice is naturally scruffy so no need to compound the prob lol

:wave: Mark  :hug:

Author:  Mark Cheetah [ Sun Sep 16, 2007 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

Catseyeview @ Sun 16 Sep, 2007 wrote:
:wave: Mark  :hug:

Hey, Cat!  Nice to run into you here! :oh yeah:

Author:  awildnkrazykj [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

Hey bro how's it going?
I very rarely ever go on this site but I wanted to see what kind of feedback people gave about the LA County fair this year.
I saw this post and was tripping out on the gazebo karaoke right in the middle of the pedestrian walkway !!!!
Very unusual spot but then again after doing my own stage at the show and all the preparations I had to do and all the equipment I brought in, I'm wondering if the gazebo would have been a better deal for me.......
I'm dead tired, I can't put into words what I endured to have what I thought , was the best I could do....
2 pairs of jbl srx dbl 18" sub-cabinets
2 pairs of EAW jrx's
2 pairs of mackie three way cabs
2 pairs of jbl eons, (as monitors)
Full DJ lighting system
Full DJ/KJ system
not counting all the other items such as chairs/tables/easy ups, etc...
never again.......at least for now....lol
Once again, nice to see your postings...
Rodney (jolt)

Author:  awildnkrazykj [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

Wow, I must be tired...I thought this post was started by "harryoke", my bad, nonetheless I wanted to comment about the gazebo karaoke....

Author:  ml_texas [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

It's funny you mentioned the little kid singing. Not long ago, I was able to spend some time at my friend's show at the mall. She had a couple little kids. One boy was 9 and the girl was 6. The boy was a regular one man show.  He danced and sang Who's Your Daddy and the crowd went crazy over it! He was really fun to have on the stage. He was not the best singer in the world but for 9 years old, he  had incredible stage presence. He is a real entertainer! The little girl, sang Redneck Woman and the crowd cheered her on! Again, she was not the best but she is only 6 and the crowd went nuts when she would sing "Hell Yeah!"  There also was a girl there, I was told that she was 11.  When this girl sang, everyone who passed by, stopped. This girl was absolutely incredible! Eleven years old and the voice of an 18 year old!  Absolutely an incredible singer.  Everyone was really impressed with her. What I am getting at is small kids dont necessarily mean that you are going to have the boring little kid standing on stage holding a mic while you are forced into listening to lame Britney Spears tracks. I really envoyed being at my friend's show. I want to go back to see just who is going to show up to sing. I dont usually do karaoke, but I even sang a song or two, and it was really fun! It takes some getting used to when you are used to singing with a band, but hey, It was great!--Mike

Author:  karyoker [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

Ml can describe what area she is setup in. What times does she do her show? How long? Do you know much the mall pays her? I would love that gig..

Author:  ml_texas [ Mon Sep 17, 2007 7:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gazebo Karaoke

In the mall she plays in, there are various stages set up throughout the mall. The one she plays at is the largest stage available in the mall. It is the stage that has the largest seating capacity as well.  The stages are all located right out in the middle of the mall hallways where people walk from store to store.  This is an indoor mall not an outdoor facility.  The people who are allowed to do shows on this particular stage are the main attractions for the mall.  When I play there, I always play on this stage as well.  It has enough room for a full band to set up on. The stage is approximately 3 to 4 feet off of the ground so entertainers are up high enough that people can see them real well.  The only thing you have to do is make sure you are not over driving volume to the extent that the stores can't do business.  It can still be loud enough that people can hear the show some distance away.  She does her show from 6:30 to 9:00 when the mall closes each night, 6 nights a week.  She told me the mall pays her around $250.00 per show.  You have to understand, the mall is owned by a local millioaire who has created quite an extensive entertainment center here. He bought several luxury motels where he also uses the performers to entertain at the resturants and clubs.  He also advertises the motels and mall together.  The main thing you have to do is to convince a mall that you could be beneficial in promoting the mall, and you would have to be able to get the support of the stores around your stage area.  The best way to do that is promoting them from the stage.  We also have one of our major TV stations located in that mall. There are always commercials we do for the mall and advertisements that we get to be a part of by being the entertainers there. My friend's show gets a lot of free publicity from TV advertisements for the mall as do those of us to play the main stage.  We really have a good thing going on here. --Mike

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